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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC22969 BC-54

A potent and biologically-active PDE4/7 inhibitor with IC50 of 50-100 nM for PDE4A/B/D, and 140 nM for both PDE7A/B.

DC20804 BMS-204352

A potent and effective calcium-sensitive opener of maxi-K potassium channels (maxi-K) with EC50 of 392 nM at -48.4 mV in HEK293 isolated outside-out membrane patches.

DC22960 ICA-105574 Featured

A potent and efficacious hERG channel activator steeply potentiates current amplitudes more than 10-fold with EC50 of 0.5 uM.

DC11715 PV-1115

A potent and highly selective Chk2 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.14 nM.

DC11974 L 741742 hydrochloride

A potent and highly selective D4 dopamine receptor antagonist with Ki of 3.5 nM, >200-fold selectivity over D2 and D3 receptors.

DC21158 JAK3-IN-2 Featured

A potent and highly selective JAK3 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.15 nM.

DC20835 BRD-7880

A potent and highly specific inhibitor of Aurora B and Aurora C with IC50 of 7 and 12 nM respectively, with less activity against Aurora A (IC50>2 uM).

DC22627 Trametinib DMSO solvate Featured

A potent and highly specific MEK1/2 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.92 nM/1.8 nM.

DC22496 W-54011

A potent and orally active non-peptide C5a receptor (CD88.

DC11865 DS-5272

A potent and orally active p53-MDM2 interaction inhibitor with IC50 of 2.4 nM.

DC11743 BMS-681

A potent and orally bioavailable dual antagonist of CCR2 and CCR5 with binding IC50 of 0.7 nM and 2.4 nM, respectively.

DC22772 ANI-7

A potent and selective (up to 263-fold) inhibitor of breast cancer cells with GI50 of 0.5 uM (MCF-7), via activation the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway.

DC22622 WAY-100635

A potent and selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist.

DC21471 PF-03246799

A potent and selective 5-HT2C receptor agonist with EC50 of 190 nM, with excellent selectivity for 5-HT2C over 5-HT2A.

DC22368 Alosetron

A potent and selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonist has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome..

DC23952 GR-79236 Featured

GR79236 is a highly potent and selective adenosine A1 receptor agonist (Ki = 3.1 nM) that has analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions in humans and animals.

DC20655 AM-1221

A potent and selective agonist for the cannabinoid receptor CB1 with Ki of 0.28 nM, 180-fold selectivity over CB2..

DC22498 A-443654 Featured

A potent and selective Akt inhibitor with Ki of 0.16 nM for Akt1.

DC23832 ALK5-IN-16i

A potent and selective ALK5 inhibitor with IC50 of 5.5 nM, displays 300-fold selecitvity over ALK3.

DC22584 Mavorixafor(AMD-070) Featured

A potent and selective antagonist of CXCR4 with IC50 of 13 nM in a CXCR4 125I-SDF inhibition binding assay.

DC22583 AMD-070 hydrochloride(Mavorixafor) Featured

A potent and selective antagonist of CXCR4 with IC50 of 13 nM in a CXCR4 125I-SDF inhibition binding assay.

DC22376 Pitolisant oxalate

A potent and selective antagonist of H3 receptor with Ki/EC50 of 0.16/1.5 nM.

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