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DC20439 LXRβ agonist 17 Featured

LXRβ agonist 17 is a novel, potent, orally active liver X receptor β (LXRβ) agonist with Ki/EC50 of 3/21 nM, displays 27-fold selectivity over LXRα; also exhibits excellent selectivity against other nuclear hormone receptors (>3,000-fold); induces the expression of LXR target genes in vitro and in vivo.

DC22699 JNJ-26070109

A novel, potent, selective orally active CCK-2 receptor antagonist with pKi of 8.49 for hCCK2.

DC11970 KU675

A novel, second-generation C-terminal Hsp90 inhibitor with Kd of 191 and 726 uM for Hsp90α and Hsp90β, respectively.

DC11853 AC-73

A novel, specific CD147 inhibitor that can specifically disrupt CD147 dimerization, inhibits the motility and invasion of HCC cells (IC50=7-10 uM).

DC22991 IRES-C11

A novel, spectfic c-Myc IRES (internal ribosome entry site) function inhibitor that prevents binding of hnRNP A1 to the Myc IRES and specifically inhibits Myc IRES activity in MM cells.

DC21050 FN1-8 Featured

FN1-8 is a novel, synthetic small molecule that efficiently interferes with Gli/TAF9 interaction and downregulate Gli/TAF9-dependent transcriptional activity (at 15 uM); inhibits non-canonical Gli activation and acts downstream of the canonical Hh pathway; suppresses cancer cell proliferation in vitro and inhibits tumor growth in vivo.

DC21284 MK-0608

A nucleoside analogue that shows potent inhibition for replication of several mosquito-borne flaviviruses including DENV and ZIKV.

DC23940 NM107 Featured

NM-107, also known as 2'-C-Methylcytidine; 2'-C-MeC; 2-CMC; mCyd ; 2'CMeC; 2CMC, is a a potent and selective anti-viral drug. NM-107 showed activity to inhibit the replication of foot-and-mouth disease virus. NM-107 exerts potent anti-DENV activity in DENV subgenomic RNA replicon and infectious systems, with an IC50 value of 11.2±0.3μM. NM-107 may be a promising compound for the development of direct-acting antivirals against DENV infection.

DC22384 Abacavir sulfate

A nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) that used to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS..

DC39815 Tafluprost Featured

Tafluprost(AFP-168) is an anti-glaucoma prostaglandin (PG) analog.A number of 17-phenyl trinor PGF2α derivatives have been approved for the treatment of glaucoma.1,2,3,4 Of these, the ones wherein the 13,14-double bond has been hydrogenated retain relatively good potency.

DC22709 LY3027788

A orally active prodrug of LY3020371, which is a potent, selective metabotropic glutamate 2/3 receptor (mGlu2/3) antagonist with Ki of 5.3 and 2.5 nM, respectively.

DC11882 HJC0416

A orally bioavailable small-molecule STAT3 inhibitor.

DC22989 BMS-204493 Featured

A pan-RAR inverse agonist that blocks RARα activity with IC50 of 114 nM.

DC22372 Dexpramipexole

A partial/full agonist of dopamine receptor with Ki of 3.9/2.2/0.5/5.1 nM for D2S/D2L/D3/D4, respeectively.

DC22373 Dexpramipexole dihydrochloride Featured

Dexpramipexole 2Hcl(KNS-760704), also known as R-(+)-Pramipexole, is a neuroprotective agent and weak non-ergoline dopamine agonist. IC50 Value:Target: Dopamine ReceptorDexpramipexole has been found to have neuroprotective effects and is being investigated for treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Dexpramipexole reduces mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, inhibits the activation of apoptotic pathways, and increase cell survival in response to a variety of neurotoxins and β-amyloid neurotoxicity. Compared to the S-(-) isomer, Dexpramipexole has much lower dopamine agonist activity.

DC8496 CTP 518(Atazanavir, deuterated)

A partially dueterated analog of Atazanavir, an oral HIV protease inhibitor; A deuterium-containing medicine with improved ADME properties; Compound 120 showed an approximately 50% increase in half life compared with Atazanavir.

DC11591 Bis-PEG4-acid

A PEG linker for PROTAC..

DC11592 Bis-PEG5-acid

A PEG linker for PROTAC..

DC11593 Bis-PEG6-acid

A PEG linker for PROTAC..


A PEG2 linker for PROTAC..


A PEG3 linker for PROTAC..


A PEG4 linker for PROTAC..

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