Home > PROTACs
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC42463 Thalidomide-NH-CH2-COOH

Thalidomide-NH-CH2-COOH is the Thalidomide-based cereblon ligand used in the recruitment of CRBN protein. Thalidomide-NH-CH2-COOH can be connected to the ligand for protein by a linker to form PROTACs, such as THAL-SNS-032.

DC42464 CRBN modulator-1 Featured

CRBN modulator-1, a Thalidomide analog and a CRBN modulator extracted from WO2020006262A1, compound 10, has an IC50 of 3.5 μM and a Ki of 0.98 μM.

DC42552 Pomalidomide-PEG2-azide

Pomalidomide-PEG2-azide is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Pomalidomide based cereblon ligand and 2-unit PEG linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC42553 Pomalidomide-PEG3-azide

Pomalidomide-PEG3-azide is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Pomalidomide based cereblon ligand and 3-unit PEG linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC42554 Pomalidomide 4'-PEG5-acid

Pomalidomide 4'-PEG5-acid (Pomalidomide-PEG5-CO2H) is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Pomalidomide based cereblon ligand and 5-unit PEG linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC42555 (S,R,S)-AHPC-PEG5-Boc

(S,R,S)-AHPC-PEG5-Boc is a E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the (S,R,S)-AHPC based VHL ligand and a linker used for Cdc20 degrader CP5V.

DC42556 Thalidomide-NH-PEG4-COOH

Thalidomide-NH-PEG4-COOH is an E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate which can be used for synthesizing dCBP-1. dCBP-1 is a potent and selective heterobifunctional degrader of p300/CBP.

DC42559 Piperidine-GNE-049-N-Boc

Piperidine-GNE-049-N-Boc is a ligand for target protein for PROTAC of dCBP-1. dCBP-1 is a potent and selective heterobifunctional degrader of p300/CBP.

DC43971 Thalidomide-NH-PEG4-Ms

Thalidomide-NH-PEG4-Ms is an E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used for PROTAC BCL-XL degrader XZ739.

DC43972 Thalidomide-NH-C2-PEG3-OH

Thalidomide-NH-C2-PEG3-OH is an E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used for PROTAC BCL-XL degrader XZ739.

DC43998 Tos-O-C4-NH-Boc

Tos-O-C4-NH-Boc is an alkyl ether-based PROTAC linker can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs, such as BSJ-03-204

DC51006 Lenalidomide-4-OH Featured

A Novel PROTACs building block.

DC51007 Lenalidomide-5-aminomethyl hydrochloride Featured

Lenalidomide-5-aminomethyl hydrochloride is the Lenalidomide-based cereblon (CRBN) ligand used in the recruitment of CRBN protein. Lenalidomide-5-aminomethyl hydrochloride can be connected to the ligand for protein by a linker to form PROTAC

DC51010 CID 138454799 Featured

ERD-308 is a highly potent PROTAC degrader of estrogen receptor (ER) for ER positive breast cancer treatment.

DC44010 BOC-NH-PEG2-propene

BOC-NH-PEG2-propene is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC44011 Propenyl-PEG3-Propenyl

Propenyl-PEG3-Propenyl is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC44014 H2N-PEG2-CH2COOtBu

H2N-PEG2-CH2COOtBu is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC44016 Benzyl-PEG2-acid

Benzyl-PEG2-acid is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC44022 Hydroxy-PEG4-methyl acetate

Hydroxy-PEG4-methyl acetate is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC44024 Boc-NH-PEG-Thiol (MW 10000)

Boc-NH-PEG-Thiol (MW 10000) is a PEG-based PROTAC linker can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC44025 m-PEG750-Br

m-PEG750-Br is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC44026 NH2-PEG-Strt (MW 10000)

NH2-PEG-Strt (MW 10000) is a PEG-based PROTAC linker can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

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