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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC2088 CI-1040 (PD184352) Featured

CI-1040 (PD 184352) is an ATP non-competitive MEK1/2 inhibitor with IC50 of 17 nM.

DC2060 CI994 (Tacedinaline) Featured

CI994 (Tacedinaline) is an anti-cancer drug which inhibits HDAC1 with IC50 of 0.57 μM.

DCAPI1021 Cidofovir(Vistide) Featured


DCAPI1569 Cilostazol

Cilastazol is a 2-oxo-quinoline with vasodilator, antimitogenic, antithrombotic, and cardiotonic properties. This compound has been shown to cause inhibition of adenosine uptake, eventually resulting in changes to cAMP levels. Studies have shown Cilostazo

DC9160 Cilnidipine Featured

Cilnidipine(FRC8653) is a dual L- and N-type calcium channel blocker and displays antihypertensive, sympatholytic and neuroprotective activity.

DC10868 Cilofexor Featured

Cilofexor (GS-9674, GS9674) is novel specific, non-steroidal farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonist that reduces liver fibrosis and ameliorates portal hypertension in rat NASH models.

DC9582 Cilomilast

Cilomilast(SB 207499; Ariflo) is a potent PDE4 inhibitor with IC50 of about 110 nM, has anti-inflammatory activity and low central nervous system activity.

DC8801 Cinacalcet (AMG-073) Featured

Cinacalcet(AMG-073) is an orally active, second-generation calcimimetic compound; AMG 073 represents a new class of compounds for the treatment of hyperparathyroidism.

DC9174 Cinepazide maleate

Cinepazide Maleate is a vasodilator.

DC2099 cis-Diaminedichloroplatinum Featured

Cisplatin is an inorganic platinum agent (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum) with antineoplastic activity.

DC11673 CK-2127107 Featured

CK-2127107(CK-107, Reldesemtiv) is a novel orally active fast skeletal troponin activator, selectively activates fast skeletal myofibrils with EC50 of 3.4 uM.

DC11107 CKD-516

CKD-516 (Valecobulin, CKD516) is a potent beta-tubulin polymerization inhibitor with marked antitumor activity both in vitro and in vivo.

DC11098 CKD-519

CKD-519 (Rocacetrapib, CKD519) is a potent, selective cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) inhibitor, inhibits the CETP-mediated transfer of cholesteryl ester in human serum with IC50 of 2.3 nM.

DC8937 Clarithromycin

Clarithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic and a CYP3A4 inhibitor.

DC7387 Clemizole Hydrochloride Featured

Clemizole is a H1 histamine receptor antagonist.Recently, researchers have identified that clemizole hydrochloride can inhibit NS4B's RNA binding and hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication.

DC8832 Clemizole (free base) Featured

Clemizole is a H1 histamine receptor antagonist.Recently, researchers have identified that clemizole hydrochloride can inhibit NS4B's RNA binding and hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication.

DC9380 Cleviprex Featured

Clevidipine(Clevidipine) is a short-acting dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonist (IC50= 7.1 nM, V(H) = -40 mV ) under development for treatment of perioperative hypertension.

DCAPI1085 Clevudine (Levovir) Featured

Clevudine (Levovir) is an antiviral drug for the treatment of hepatitis B,showed potent activity against COVID-19(SARS-COV-2) .

DC9183 Clomiphene citrate

Clomifene Citrate is a selective estrogen receptor modulator.

DC3147 Clopidogrel hydrogensulfate

Clopidogrel (Plavix) is an oral, thienopyridine class antiplatelet agent.

DCAPI1417 Clopidogrel

Clopidogrel is an irreversible inhibitor of the P2Y12 receptor, which is responsible for initiating signal transduction via a GPCR. The signal cascade initiates platelet aggregation and thus clopidogrel has the effect of “thinning” the blood.

DC9067 Clozapine

Clozapine(HF 1854) is a 5-HT2A/2C and dopamine receptor blocker with Ki values of 21, 170, 170, 230 and 330 nM for D4, D3, D1, D2 and D5 receptors respectively.

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