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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC10205 Ilaprazole Featured

Ilaprazole (IY-81149) is a proton pump inhibitor; inhibits H+/K+-ATPase with an IC50 of 6.0 μM.

DCAPI1055 Iloperidone (Fanapt)

Iloperidone (Fanapt)

DC4181 Imatinib mesylate Featured

Imatinib Mesylate is orally bioavailability mesylate salt of Imatinib, which is a multi-target inhibitor of v-Abl, c-Kit and PDGFR with IC50 of 0.6 μM, 0.1 μM and 0.1 μM, respectively.

DC10406 Imisopasem manganese

Imisopasem manganese (M40403) is a stable non-peptidyl mimetic of manganese superoxide MnSOD.

DC10918 INCB053914

INCB053914 (INCB-053914) is a novel potent, and selective ATP-competitive, pan-PIM kinase inhibitor with IC50 of 0.24/30.0/0.12 nM for PIM1/2/3, respectively.

DC7167 Capmatinib(INCB28060) Featured

INCB28060 is a novel orally active inhibitor (IC50=0.13 nM) of c-MET kinase.

DC9389 INCB3344

INCB3344 is a novel, potent and selective small molecule antagonist of the mouse CCR2 receptor; inhibits the binding of CCL2 to mouse monocytes with nanomolar potency (IC50 = 10 nM).

DC7429 INCB 8761 Featured

INCB8761(PF-4136309) is a potent, Selective, and orally bioavailable CCR2 antagonist.

DC4137 Indiplon Featured

Indiplon is a novel sedative-hypnotic recently approved for the treatment of insomnia.

DCAPI1506 Mitiglinide Calcium

Inhibitor of ATP-sensitive K+ channel activity in MIN 6 cells. Has also been shown to bind sulfonylurea receptors as well.

DC7171 INK-128(Sapanisertib) Featured

INK 128 is a potent and selective mTOR inhibitor with IC50 of 1 nM; >200-fold less potent to class I PI3K isoforms.

DC7430 Obeticholic acid (INT-747) Featured

INT-747(Obeticholic acid; 6-ECDCA) is a potent and selective FXR agonist(EC50=99 nM) endowed with anticholestatic activity.

DC11494 INX-08189

INX-08189 is a phosphoramidate prodrug of O-6-methyl-2-C-methyl guanosine, potent inhibitor of HCV NS5B polymerase with IC50 of 10 nM in replicon assay.

DC7172 IOWH-032

iOWH032 is a novel and potent CFTR inhibitor (IC50=1.01 uM) in T84 and CHO-CFTR cell based assays.

DC5072 Duvelisib (IPI-145, INK1197) Featured

IPI-145 is an orally bioavailable, highly selective and potent small molecule inhibitor of the delta and gamma isoforms of phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) with potential immunomodulating and antineoplastic activities.

DC9829 IPI-549 Featured

IPI-549 is an orally administered immuno-oncology development candidate that selectively inhibits PI3K-gamma.

DCAPI1573 Ipragliflozin (ASP1941) Featured

Ipragliflozin (ASP1941) is a Novel Selective Sodium-Dependent Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibitor, on Urinary Glucose Excretion in Healthy Subjects

DC7609 Isatoribine

Isatoribine is a selective agonist of TLR7

DC5107 SB-715992 (Ispinesib) Featured

Ispinesib (SB 715992) is a potent mitotic kinesin KSP (Eg5) inhibitor with a Ki and an IC50 of 0.6 and 4.1 nM, respectively.

DC12378 Itacitinib(INCB039110) Featured

Itacitinib is a potent and selective inhibitor of JAK1, with >20-fold selectivity for JAK1 over JAK2 and >100-fold over JAK3 and TYK2; Itacitinib is used in the research of myelofibrosis.

DCAPI1366 Itraconazole (Sporanox)

Itraconazole (Sporanox)

DC4128 Ivacaftor (VX-770) Featured

Ivacaftor (VX-770, Kalydeco) is a potentiator of CFTR targeting G551D-CFTR and F508del-CFTR with EC50 of 100 nM and 25 nM, respectively.

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