Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Wnt/Notch/Hedgehog
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC46398 ZW4864

ZW4864 is an orally active and selective β catenin/B-Cell lymphoma 9 protein−protein interaction (β catenin/BCL9 PPI) inhibitor. ZW4864 inhibits β catenin/BCL9 PPI with a Ki value of 0.76 μM and an IC50 value of 0.87 μM.

DC46415 BPN-15606 besylate

BPN-15606 besylate is a highly potent, orally active γ-secretase modulator (GSM), attenuates the production of Aβ42 and Aβ40 by SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cells with IC50 values of 7 nM and 17nM, respectively. BPN-15606 besylate lowers Aβ42 and Aβ40 levels in the central nervous system of rats and mice. BPN-15606 besylate has acceptable PK/PD properties, including bioavailability, half-life, and clearance.

DC46426 NLS-StAx-h

NLS-StAx-h is a selective, stapled peptide inhibitor of Wnt signaling with an IC50 of 1.4 μM. NLS-StAx-h efficiently inhibits β-catenin-transcription factor interactions. NLS-StAx-h inhibits proliferation and migration of colorectal cancer cells.

DC46485 Cu(II)GTSM

Cu(II)GTSM, a cell-permeable Cu-complex, significantly inhibits GSK3β. Cu(II)GTSM inhibits Amyloid-β oligomers (AβOs) and decreases tau phosphorylation. Cu(II)GTSM also decreases the abundance of Amyloid-β trimers. Cu(II)GTSM is a potential anticancer and antimicrobial agent.


SAHM1 TFA is a Notch pathway inhibitor. SAHM1 TFA stabilizes hydrocarbon-stapled alpha helical peptide. SAHM1 TFA targets the protein-protein interface and prevents Notch complex assembly.

DC46935 SR-1277

SR-1277 is a potent, selective and ATP competitive CK1δ/ε inhibitor, with IC50s of 49 nM and 260 nM, respectively. SR-1277 also inhibits FLT3, CDK4/cyclin D1, CDK6/cyclin D3 and CDK9/cyclin K, with IC50s of 305 nM, 1340 nM, 311 nM and 109 nM, respectively. SR-1277 can be used for the research of cancer.

DC46936 JW67

JW67 inhibits the canonical Wnt signaling with an IC50 of 1.17μM. JW67 affects the multiprotein complex consisting of β-catenin/GSK-3β/AXIN/APC/CK1 that rapidly reduces active β-catenin with a subsequent downregulation of Wnt target genes. JW67 also inhibits colorectal cancer cell growth.

DC47093 Fosciclopirox Featured

Fosciclopirox suppresses growth of urothelial cancer by targeting the γ-secretase complex. Fosciclopirox selectively delivers the active metabolite, Ciclopirox (CPX), to the entire urinary tract. Ciclopirox has anticancer activity in a number of solid and hematologic malignancies.

DC47157 KAAD-Cyclopamine

KAAD-Cyclopamine, a hedgehog signaling inhibitor, is a smoothened antagonist.

DC47320 FRM-024 Featured

FRM-024 is a potent CNS-penetrant gamma secretase modulator for familial Alzheimer’s disease.

DC47869 YB-0158

YB-0158 (Wnt pathway inhibitor 2) is a reverse-turn peptidomimetic and a potent colorectal cancer stem cell (CSC) targeting agent. YB-0158 disrupts Sam68-Src interactions and induces apoptosis in CRC cells. Anti-cancer activities.

DC47881 TMX-4116 Featured

TMX-4116 is a casein kinase 1α (CK1α) degrader. TMX-4116 shows the degradation preference for CK1α with DC50s less than 200 nM in MOLT4, Jurkat, and MM.1S cells. TMX-4116 can be used for the research of multiple myeloma.

DC47903 SGC-CK2-1

SGC-CK2-1 is a highly potent, ATP-competitive, and cell-active CK2 chemical probe with exclusive selectivity for both human CK2 isoforms, with IC50s of 36 and 16 nM for CK2α and CK2α′respectively in the nanoBRET assay. SGC-CK2-1 can be used for the research of neurodegenerative diseases.

DC47944 MRT-81 Featured

MRT-81 is a potent antagonist of human and rodent smoothened Smo receptors, with an IC50 value of 41 nM in the Shh-light2 cells. MRT-81 has potent hedgehog inhibiting activity. MRT-81 can be used for the research of cancer.

DC48365 RO7185876 Featured

RO7185876 is a potent and selective gamma secretase modulator as a potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

DC48366 γ-Secretase modulator 10

γ-Secretase modulator 10 is a novel γ-secretase modulator.

DC48540 Carboxylesterase-IN-3

Carboxylesterase-IN-3 (compound 4y) is a potent inhibitor of Carboxylesterase Notum with an IC50 less than or equal to 10 nM. Notum is a negative regulator of Wnt signaling acting through the hydrolysis of a palmitoleoylate ester, which is required for Wnt activity. Carboxylesterase-IN-3 has the potential for the research of cancer disease.

DC48577 Carboxylesterase-IN-2

Carboxylesterase-IN-2 (compound 4u) is a potent inhibitor of Carboxylesterase Notum with an IC50 less than or equal to 10 nM. Notum is a negative regulator of Wnt signaling acting through the hydrolysis of a palmitoleoylate ester, which is required for Wnt activity. Carboxylesterase-IN-2 has the potential for the research of cancer disease.

DC48703 (E/Z)-BIO-acetoxime

(E/Z)-BIO-acetoxime (GSK-3 Inhibitor X) is a potent and selective GSK-3α/β inhibitor, with an IC50 of 10 nM. (E/Z)-BIO-acetoxime shows more than 200-flod selectivity over CDK5/p25, CDK2/cyclin A and CDK1/cyclin B (IC50=2.4, 4.3, 63 μM).

DC48874 KY-02327 acetate

KY-02327 acetate, a metabolically stabilized KY-02061 analog, is a potent Dishevelled (Dvl)-CXXC5 interaction inhibitor. KY-02327 acetate shows an activating effect on the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, resulting in promotion of osteoblast differentiation.

DC48996 SANT 2

SANT 2 is a potent antagonist of Hh-signaling pathway. Hedgehog (Hh) signaling plays an important role in cell signaling of embryonic development and adult tissue homeostasis. SANT 2 has the potential for the research of several malignancies including Gorlin syndrome (a disorder predisposing to basal cell carcinoma, medulloblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma), prostate, pancreatic and breast cancers.

DC50131 CHIR-98023

CHIR-98023 is a potent, selective and reversible inhibitor of GSK3, with IC50s of 10 nM and 6.7 nM for GSK3α and GSK3β, respectively. CHIR-98023 can improve insulin action and glucose metabolism.

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