Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Epigenetics
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC6313 Guadecitabine(SGI-110) Featured

SGI-110 (S-110) is a stable and potent inhibitor for DNA methylation, inhibits DNMT1 when SGI-110 is activated by phosphorylation and incorporated into DNA.

DC8867 SirReal2

SirReal2 is a potent and selective Sirt2 inhibitor with IC50 of 140 nM.

DC7539 SIRT2 Inhibitor II, AK-1 Featured

SIRT2 Inhibitor II, AK-1 inhibits SIRT2 selectively over SIRT1 and SIRT3.

DC12109 SIRT5 inhibitor

SIRT5 inhibitor is a potent Human Sirtuin 5 deacylase inhibitor, with an IC50 of 0.11 μM.

DC7956 SP2509 Featured

SP2509 is a novel histone demethylase LSD1 (KDM1A) antagonist with IC50 of 13 nM; no inhibition on MAO-A and MAO-B.

DC7673 Splitomicin Featured

Splitomicin is a derivative of β-naphthol is an inhibitor of Silent Information Regulator 2 (SIR2).

DC10788 SR-4370 Featured

SR-​4370 is an HDAC inhibitor. SR-​4370 exhibited IC50 values of 0.5 μM, 0.1 μM and 0.06 μM towards HDAC1, HDAC2 and HDAC3, resp.

DC8900 SRT1720 Featured

SRT1720 is a selective activator of human SIRT1 (EC1.5 = 0.16 μM) versus the closest sirtuin homologues, SIRT2 and SIRT3 (SIRT2: EC1.5 = 37 μM;SIRT3: EC1.5 > 300 μM).

DC7300 SRT1720 HCl Featured

SRT1720 is a selective SIRT1 activator with EC50 of 0.16 μM, but is >230-fold less potent for SIRT2 and SIRT3.

DC8412 SRT2104 Featured

SRT2104 (GSK2245840) is a selective SIRT1 activator involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis. Phase 2.

DC11156 SRTCX1002

SRTCX1002 (SRTCX-1002) is a small molecule activator of SIRT1 (STAC) with EC1.5 of 0.4 uM, enhances deacetylation of cellular p65 protein with IC50 of 0.84 uM in cellular p65 acetylation assay.

DC11157 SRTCX1003

SRTCX1003 (SRTCX-1003) is a small molecule activator of SIRT1 (STAC) with EC1.5 of 0.61 uM, enhances deacetylation of cellular p65 protein with IC50 of 1.42 uM in cellular p65 acetylation assay.

DC11226 T1551

T1551 is a novel selective PRMT5 inhibitor with IC50 of 34.1 uM, decreases cell viability of A549 cell with IC50 of 5.8 uM (72h).

DC11703 T-3775440 hydrochloride Featured

T-3775440 hydrochloride is a novel potent, selecitve, irreversible LSD1 inhibitor with IC50 of 2.1 nM.

DC11702 T-3775440

T-3775440 is a novel potent, selecitve, irreversible LSD1 inhibitor with IC50 of 2.1 nM.

DC7733 Tasquinimod(ABR-215050) Featured

Tasquinimod is an orally active antiangiogenic agent by allosterically inhibiting HDAC4 signalling.

DC1065 Tenovin-1 Featured

Tenovin-1 is a p53 activator and acts through inhibition of protein-deacetylating activities of SirT1 and SirT2.

DC7315 Tenovin-6 Featured

Tenovin-6 is the water soluble analog of Tenovin-1 and acts as a potent SIRT1 (IC50=21 uM) and SIRT2 (IC50= 10 uM) inhibitor as well as p53 activator.

DC12487 TH-34 Featured

TH34 is a potent HDAC6/8/10 inhibitor, induceing DNA damage-mediated cell death in human high-grade neuroblastoma cell lines.

DC8261 (-)-JQ-1 Featured

The (-)-JQ1 stereoisomer has no appreciable affinity to BET bromodomains,it is the negative control of +JQ-1.

DC10076 Thiomyristoyl Featured

Thiomyristoyl is a potent and specific SIRT2 inhibitor with an IC50 of 28 nM.

DC10930 Tianeptinaline

Tianeptinaline is a class I HDAC-selective, brain penetrant analogue of tianeptine with IC50 of 0.24, 0.12 and 0.155 uM for HDAC1, 2 and 3 respectively, does not inhibit HDAC6.

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