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DC60123 N-desethyl Amodiaquine HCl Featured

N-desethyl Amodiaquine is a primary metabolite of the antimalarial compound aminodiaquine, produced by the action of cytochrome P450 isoform 2C8. N-desethyl Amodiaquine is highly active against P. falciparum and can synergize with amodiaquine.

DC57082 MC-MMAE Featured

Mc-MMAE is a protective group (maleimidocaproyl)-conjugated monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), which is a potent tubulin inhibitor. Mc-MMAE is a drug-linker conjugate for ADC.

DC57088 SU0268 Featured

SU0268 is a potent and selective OGG1 inhibitor. DNA glycosylases involved in the first step of the DNA base excision repair pathway are promising targets in cancer therapy. There is evidence that reduction of their activities may enhance cell killing in malignant tumors.

DC57110 MAT2A inhibitor-2 Featured

MAT2A inhibitor 2 is a methionine adenosyltransferase 2A (MAT2A) inhibitor.

DC60124 nor-NOHA HCl Featured

nor-NOHA, also known as N-​Hydroxy-​nor-​L-​Arginine, is an Arginase inhibitor. nor-NOHA induces apoptosis in leukemic cells specifically under hypoxic conditions but CRISPR/Cas9 excludes arginase 2 (ARG2) as the functional target. Nor-NOHA can induce cell apoptosis and inhibit the ability of invasion and migration of HepG2 cells by inhibiting Arg1, which is related with the increase of iNOS expression and the high concentration of NO.

DC46818 ACT-451840 Featured

ACT-451840 is an orally active, potent and low-toxicity compound, showing activity against sensitive and resistant plasmodium falciparum strains. ACT-451840 targets all asexual blood stages of the parasite, has a rapid onset of action. ACT-451840 behaves in a way similar to artemisinin derivatives, with very rapid onset of action and elimination of parasite. ACT-451840 can be used for the research of malarial.

DC46833 Pulrodemstat Featured

Pulrodemstat (CC-90011) is a potent, selective, reversible and orally active inhibitor of lysine specific demethylase-1 (LSD1) with an IC50 of 0.25 nM. Pulrodemstat is less enzymatic inhibition against LSD2, MOA-A, and MAO-B. Pulrodemstat induces acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cells differentiation and has potent anticancer activity.

DC46834 Menin-MLL inhibitor 20,MRN73473 Featured

Menin-MLL inhibitor 20 is an irreversible menin-MLL interaction inhibitor with antitumor activities (WO2020142557A1, compound 6).

DC46835 Ziftomenib Featured

Ziftomenib is a menin-MLL interaction inhibitor with antitumor activities (WO2017161028A1, compound 151).

DC46840 Mesdopetam Featured

Mesdopetam (IRL790) is an orally active and low toxicity dopamine D3 receptor antagonist. Mesdopetam can be used for the research of Parkinson's disease (PD).

DC46844 Emraclidine Featured

Emraclidine is a muscarinic M4 receptor positive allosteric modulator (WO2018002760, compound 11). Emraclidine can be used for the research of neurological diseases.

DC46854 BMY-14802 hydrochloride Featured

BMY-14802 hydrochloride (BMY-14802-1) is a selective and orally active sigma receptor antagonist with an IC50 of 112 nM. BMY-14802 hydrochloride is also a 5-HT1A and adrenergic α1 receptors agonist. BMY-14802 hydrochloride has antipsychotic effects.

DC46864 Sivopixant Featured

Sivopixant (S-600918) is a potent and selective P2X3 receptor antagonist (P2X3 IC50=4.2 nM; P2X2/3 IC50=1100 nM). Sivopixant shows strong analgesic effect.

DC46870 Enavogliflozin Featured

Enavogliflozin (DWP-16001), an antidiabetic agent, is an orally active, best-in-class and selective sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitor.

DC46871 Vocacapsaicin Featured

Vocacapsaicin (CA-008), a prodrug of Capsaicin, is a first-in-class non-opioid TRPV1 agonist. Vocacapsaicin can provide meaningful and long-lasting pain relief.

DC46872 Evifacotrep Featured

Evifacotrep, a short transient receptor potential channel 5 (TRPC5) antagonist (WO2020061162, compound 100), can be used for the research of neurological diseases.

DC46877 Y134 Featured

Y134 is a selective and orally active oestrogen receptor (ER) modulator (SERM), exhibits potent antagonist activity at ERα and ERβ. Y134 shows 121.1-fold selectivity for ERα (Ki=0.09 nM) over ERβ (Ki=11.31 nM).

DC46880 Cedirogant Featured

Cedirogant (ABBV-157) is an orally active RORγt inverse agonist. Cedirogant can be used for psoriasis research.

DC46883 Tinlarebant Featured

Tinlarebant (LBS-008) is an orally active non-retinoid RBP4 (retinol-binding protein 4) antagonist. Tinlarebant can be used for the research of the Stargardt disease.

DC46900 Utreloxastat Featured

Utreloxastat is a compound used for the research of the disorders including α-synucleinopathies, tauopathies, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), traumatic brain injury, and ischemic-reperfusion related injuries (patent WO2020081879A2, example A1).

DC46910 Sebetralstat Featured

Sebetralstat is a plasma kallikrein inhibitor (WO2016083820). Sebetralstat can be used for the research of metabolic diseases.

DC46916 2-bromo-Hexadecanoic acid Featured

2-Bromohexadecanoic acid (2-BP, 2-bromopalmitate) is a nonmetabolisable analogue of palmitate and acts as a palmitoylation inhibitor. 2-Bromohexadecanoic acid can directly and irreversibly inhibit the palmitoyltransferase activity of all DHHC (Asp-His-His-Cys) proteins.

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