Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > GPCR
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC47056 Usmarapride

Usmarapride (SUVN-D4010) is a selective 5-HT4 receptor ligand with EC50 value 27.5nM, intended for the symptomatic research of Alzheimer's disease and other disorders of memory and cognition like attention deficient hyperactivity, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.

DC47057 Vazegepant Featured

Vazegepant is the first intranasal CGRP receptor antagonist for the study the acute research of migraine.

DC47063 Enuvaptan

Enuvaptan is a vasopressin receptor antagonist and has the potential for research into renal and cardiovascular diseases.

DC47074 Sunobinop

Sunobinop (S 117957) is a modulator of the opioid receptor-like orphan receptor (ORL1).

DC47080 Velufenacin

Velufenacin is a muscarinic receptor antagonist.

DC47089 Treprostinil palmitil

Treprostinil palmitil (TP) is the prodrug of DP1 and EP2 agonist, Treprostinil (UT-15), whose EC50 values were 0.6 and 6.2 nM, respectively. Treprostinil palmitil is a pure prodrug and possesses no inherent binding to G-protein coupled receptors including prostanoid receptors.

DC47092 Lazuvapagon

Lazuvapagon is a vasopressin V2 receptor agonist for the research of nocturia.

DC47097 Navafenterol saccharinate

Navafenterol (AZD-8871) saccharinate is an inhaled, long-acting bronchodilator, which is a muscarinic antagonist and β2 agonist.

DC47101 γ-Linolenic acid ethyl ester

γ-Linolenic acid ethyl ester (Ethyl γ-linolenate) is a leukotriene B4 receptor 4 (LTB4) antagonist.

DC47110 Deudomperidone

Domperidone-d4 is a deuterium labeled Domperidone (R33812).Domperidone is a selective dopamine-2 receptor antagonist. Domperidone acts as an antiemetic and a prokinetic agent through its effects on the chemoreceptor trigger zone and motor function of the stomach and small intestine.

DC47127 Pexopiprant

Pexopiprant is an oral antagonist of the prostaglandin D2 receptor 2 (DP2),Ki < 100nM. Pexopiprant can be used in studies of asthma.

DC47172 15-Keto latanoprost

15-Keto latanoprost is a metabolite of Latanoprost, which is an ocular hypotensive agent.

DC47173 Roxindole

Roxindole (EMD 49980), an indot-alkyl-pipenidine, is a potent agonist at dopamine autoreceptors, with an affinity for the D2-like subtype in the low nanomolar range. Roxindole can be used for the research of positive and negative schizophrenic symptoms. Roxindole is a 5-HT1A agonist and 5-HT uptake inhibitor with high affinity for 5-HT1A (IC50=0.9 nM). Antipsychotic and antidepressant activities.

DC47183 Aganepag isopropyl

Aganepag isopropyl (AGN-210961) is an EP2 agonist.

DC47184 Rimcazole dihydrochloride

Rimcazole (BW 234U) dihydrochloride is a carbazole derivative that acts in part as a sigma (σ) receptor antagonist. Rimcazole dihydrochloride also binds with moderate affinity to the dopamine transporter and inhibit dopamine uptake. Rimcazole dihydrochloride can attenuate cocaine-induced locomotor activity and sensitization. Rimcazole dihydrochloride also can be used for the research of cancer.

DC47196 UK-432097

UK-432097 is a highly potent and selective A2AAR agonist with a pKi of 8.4 for human A2AAR. UK-432097 has anti-inflammatory and anti-aggregatory properties. UK-432097 has the potential for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) research.

DC47220 Zectivimod

Zectivimod is a sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor agonist. Zectivimod can be used for the research of autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases and immunoregulation disorders.

DC47235 Binodenoson

Binodenoson (MRE-0470) is a potent and selective A2A adenosine receptor agonist (KD=270 nM). Binodenoson is being developed as a short-acting coronary vasodilator as an adjunct to radiotracers for use in myocardial stress imaging.

DC47237 PD 102807 Featured

PD 102807 is a M4 muscarinic receptor antagonist with an IC50 of 90.7 nM. PD 102807 inhibits M1, M2, M3, M5 muscarinic receptor with IC50s of 6558.7, 3440.7, 950.0, and 7411.7 nM, respectively. Antidyskinetic effect.

DC47245 PSB-0739

PSB-0739 is a high-affinity potent, competitive, nonselective platelet P2Y12 receptor antagonist with a Ki values of 24.9 nM. The P2Y12 receptor plays a crucial role in platelet aggregation. Antithrombotic effect.

DC47251 FR-171113

FR171113 is a specific and non-peptide thrombin receptor antagonist. FR171113 exhibits the antithrombotic effects of a PAR1 antagonist. FR171113 inhibits thrombin-induced platelet aggregation with an IC50 of 0.29 μM..

DC47254 BP 897

BP 897 is a potent and partial dopamine D3 receptor agonist and a weak D2 receptor antagonist. BP 897 displays a high affinity at the dopamine D3 receptor (Ki=0.92 nM) and a 70 times lower affinity at the D2 receptor (Ki=61 nM). BP 897 exhibits selective inhibition of cocaine-seeking behavior.

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