Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > GPCR > Histamine Receptor
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC4161 Dimebon dihydrochloride

Dimebon is an antihistamine drug.

DC9109 Doxylamine succinate

Doxylamine is a first generation antihistamine; can be used by itself as a short-term sedative and in combination with other drugs to provide night-time allergy and cold relief.

DC9467 Epinastine Featured

Epinastine(WAL801) is an antihistamine and mast cell stabilizer that is used in eye drops to treat allergic conjunctivitis.

DC9073 Famotidine

Famotidine is a competitive histamine H2-receptor antagonist. Its main pharmacodynamic effect is the inhibition of gastric secretion.

DC9175 Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Featured

Fexofenadine is a third-generation antihistamine pharmaceutical drug used in the treatment of allergy symptoms, such as hay fever, nasal congestion, and urticaria.

DC10102 GSK189254A Featured

GSK189254A (GSK189254) is a novel, potent and selective histamine H3 receptor antagonist with pKi values of 9.59-9.90 and 8.51-9.17 for human and rat H3, respectively.

DC12266 H4 Receptor antagonist 1

H4 Receptor antagonist 1 is a potent and selective histamine H4 receptor inverse agonist, with an IC50 of 19 nM.

DC11328 Hydroxyzine

Hydroxyzine is a histamine H1 receptor antagonist (Ki = 1.9 nM).

DC12166 JNJ-5207852 Featured

JNJ-5207852 is a selective and potent histamine H3 receptor (H3R) antagonist, with pKis of 8.9, 9.24 for rat and human H3R, respectively.

DC8773 JNJ-7777120 Featured

JNJ-7777120 is a selective H4R antagonist with Ki of 4 ±1 nM, exhibits >1000-fold selectivity over the other histamin receptors.

DC9132 Ketotifen fumarate

Ketotifen (fumarate) is a second-generation noncompetitive H1-antihistamine and mast cell stabilizer, which is used to prevent asthma attacks.

DC8675 Levodropropizine

Levodropropizine is a histamine receptor inhibitor, Levodropropizine is an effective and very well tolerated peripheral antitussive drug.

DC9104 Loratadine

Loratadine(SCH-29851) is a selective inverse peripheral histamine H1-receptor agonist with an IC50 of >32 μM.

DC7757 (R)-Meclizine

Meclizine is a histamine H1 receptor antagonist used to treat nausea and motion sickness.

DC10407 Mequitazine

Mequitazine is a potent, nonsedative and long-acting histamine H1 antagonist.

DC9468 Mizolastine

Mizolastine is a histamine H1-receptor antagonist with IC50 of 47 nM used in the treatment of hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis), hives and other allergic reactions.

DC10221 MLR-1023

MLR-1023 is a chemical compound which inhibits acid secretion in animal models and also acts as a bronchodilator in histamine-challenged animals.

DC9018 Pemirolast potassium

Pemirolast Potassium (BMY 26517) is a histamine H1 antagonist and mast cell stabilizer that acts as an antiallergic agent.

DC9083 Pheniramine Maleate

Pheniramine Maleate ia an antihistamine and vasoconstrictor.

DC9465 Pitolisant (hydrochloride) Featured

Pitolisant Hcl(BF2.649;Ciproxidine ) is a novel, potent, and selective nonimidazole inverse agonist at the recombinant human H3 receptor (Ki=0.16 nM).

DCAPI1584 Roxatidine Acetate Hydrochloride

Roxatidine Acetate Hydrochloride is a histamine H2-receptor antagonist used in ulcer treatment. This compound has been found to inhibit platelet function in vitro.

DCAPI1593 Rupatadine Featured

Rupatadine is a dual histamine H1 and PAF antagonist

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