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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC22042 BTZO-15

BTZO-15 is an active BTZO-1 derivative for ARE-activation with a favorable ADME-Tox profile, induces expression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and inhibits NO-induced cell death in IEC-18 cells.

DC22043 BTZO-2

BTZO-2 is an active BTZO-1 derivative, an antioxidant response element-activator, provides protection against lethal endotoxic shock in mice..

DC10945 BU09059

BU09059 is a potent, selective, short-acting kappa-opioid receptor antagonist with Ki of 1.72 nM, displays 15- and 616-fold selectivity over μ- and δ-receptors respectively.

DC6501 Bufalin Featured

Bufalin inhibits steroid receptor coactivator 1 (SRC-1) and SRC-3 at doses as low as 5 nM, promotes the degradation of SRC-3 protein, and inhibits cancer cell growth both in vitro and in vivo.

DC9360 Buparvaquone

Buparvaquone(Butalex) is a hydroxynaphthoquinone antiprotozoal drug related to parvaquone and atovaquone; it is a promising compound for the therapy and prophylaxis of all forms of theileriosis.

DC22437 Burimamide oxalate

Burimamide oxalate is a potent dual H3/H2 receptor antagonist with Ki of 0.07 and 7.8 uM, respectively.

DC20059 Burixafor hydrobromide (TG-0054 hydrobromide)

Burixafor hydrobromide (TG-0054 hydrobromide) is an orally bioavailable and potent antagonist of CXCR4 and a well water soluble anti-angiogenic drug that is of potential value in treating choroid neovascularization. Burixafor hydrobromide (TG-0054 hydrobr

DC8278 BVT-14225 Featured

BVT 14225 is a new selective 11b-HSD1 inhibitor, it belongs to a class of arylsulfonamidothiazoles with in vitro and in vivo antidiabetic effects

DC21685 BVT-948 Featured

BVT-948 (SPS8I-3) is a noncompetitive, cell-permeable inhibitor of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) with IC50 of 0.09-1.7 uM. Results show that the effect of BVT948 (BVT.948) is to strengthen the insulin signal and has no effects on the duration of th

DC20852 BX-320

BX-320 is a potent, selective and ATP-competitive inhibitor of PDK1 with IC50 of 30 nM, >20-fold selectivity over PKA.

DC22424 BX-667

BX-667 is a potent P2Y12 receptor antagonist that blocks ADP-induced platelet aggregation in human, dog and rat blood (IC50=97, 317 and 3000 nM respectively).

DC11219 BXI-72 Featured

BXI-72 (NSC334072) is a potent, selective small molecule Bcl-XL inhibitor that targets the BH3 domain of Bcl-XL (Kd=0.9 nM).

DC11058 BYK191023

BYK191023 (BYK-191023) is a potent, highly selective inhibitor of inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) with IC50 of 86 nM, >20-fold selectivity over nNOS and eNOS (IC50=17 and 162 uM).

DC11059 BYK191023 dihydrochloride

BYK191023 dihydrochloride (BYK-191023) is a potent, highly selective inhibitor of inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) with IC50 of 86 nM, >20-fold selectivity over nNOS and eNOS (IC50=17 and 162 uM).

DC20853 BZ-194

BZ-194 is a small molecule inhibitor of NAADP action that inhibit NAADP-mediated Ca2+ signaling in T cells, neither interferes with Ca2+ mobilization by IP3 or cyclic ADP-ribose nor with capacitative Ca2+ entry.

DC20326 BzDANP

BzDANP is a small molecule modulator of pre-miR-29a maturation by Dicer, effectively stabilizes the C-bulged RNA and suppresses Dicer-mediated processing of pre-miR-29a in a concentration dependent manner..

DC26049 Bz-IEGR-pNA (acetate) Featured

Bz-IEGR-pNA is a colorimetric substrate for Factor Xa.

DC23462 C-021 dihydrochloride

C-021 dihydrochloride is a potent and orally bioavailable CCR4 antagonist with IC50 of 0.14 uM and 0.039 uM for inhibition of chemotaxis in human and mouse, respectively..

DC23414 C-021

C-021 is a potent and orally bioavailable CCR4 antagonist with IC50 of 0.14 uM and 0.039 uM for inhibition of chemotaxis in human and mouse, respectively..

DC20855 C-215

C-215 is a novel inhibitor of mycobacterial membrane protein large 3 (MmpL3) with MIC90 of 16 uM against M. tuberculosis..

DC11493 C2BA-4

C2BA-4(C2BA 4) is a potent, specific human Pregnane X receptor (hPXR) activator with EC50 of 49 nM.

DC20327 C450-0730

C450-0730 is a potent LuxN antagonist that antagonizes LuxN-AI-1 binding with IC50 of 2.7 uM.

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