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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC21861 Z-DON

A potent, irreversible and cell permeable inhibitor of tissue transglutaminase with IC50 of 20 nM..

DC21216 L 682777

A potent, irreversible inhibitor of human tissue transglutaminase (hTG2)..

DC23777 R 283

A potent, irreversible inhibitor of human tissue transglutaminase (hTG2)..

DC21001 Estrone sulfamate

A potent, irreversible, and orally active inhibitor of steroid sulfatase (STS) with IC50 of 65 pM in intact MCF-7 cells.

DC22880 MIV-6R

A potent, ligand-efficient, and cell-active inhibitor menin-MLL interaction with IC50 of 56 nM, Kd of 85 nM.

DC22383 Sitaxsentan

A potent, long acting, orally active, selective ETA receptor antagonist that binds competitively to human ETA receptor with Ki of 0.43 nM, IC50 of 1.4 nM.

DC23661 Evogliptin

A potent, long acting, reversible and competitive DPP-4 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.9 nM.

DC22890 Frovatriptan Featured

A potent, long lasting 5-HT(1B/1D) receptor agonist as a antimigraine agent..

DC22812 CEP-11981

CEP-11981 is a potent, multi-targeted, orally active, pan-VEGFR, TIE-2 and FGFR1 inhibitor with IC50 of 3-100 nM.

DC22851 IDI-6273

A potent, mutant-selective PfDHODH inhibitor with IC50 of 210 nM for 3D7 E182D PfDHODH.

DC20946 DD-01050

A potent, noncompetitive TRPV1 antagonist that abrogates capsaicin and pH-evoked TRPV1 channel activity with submicromolar activity.

DC24010 Plpro-IN-6(PLpro inhibitor) Featured

A potent, noncovalent SARS-CoV papain-like protease (PLpro) inhibitor with IC50 of 2.6 uM.

DC22706 BMY 45778 Featured

A potent, non-prostanoid prostacyclin partial agonist that potently inhibits human (IC50=35 nM), rabbit (IC50=136 nM) and rat (IC50=1.3 uM) platelet aggregation.

DC22815 K252a

A potent, non-selective tyrosine protein kinase inhibitor for Trk family, CaMK and other phosphorylase kinases.

DC20615 A 834735

A potent, nonselective, brain penetrant, full agonist at both the central CB1 and peripheral CB2 receptors with Ki of 4.6 and 0.31 nM, respectively.

DC22899 MK-3577

A potent, oral active glucagon receptor antagonist blocking the glucagon effect for the treatment of T2DM.

DC23709 FXR-sHE modulator 57

A potent, orally active dual modulator of FXR and soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) that exertss partial FXR agonism (pEC50=7.7) and sEH inhibitory activity (pIC50=8.4).

DC23968 GAP-134 hydrochloride

A potent, orally active gap-junction modifier.

DC23969 GAP-134

A potent, orally active gap-junction modifier.

DC20972 DS79182026

A potent, orally active hepcidin production inhibitor with IC50 of 39 nM, with low kinase inhibitory activity.

DC20694 ASP 9853

A potent, orally active iNOS inhibitor (IC50=10 nM, NO release DLD-1 cells) that prevents dimerization of iNOS, but has no effect on the expression or enzyme activity of iNOS.

DC22737 CP-346086 Featured

A potent, orally active microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) inhibitor that inhibits both human and rodent MTP with IC50 of 2 nM.

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