Home > PROTACs
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC44873 Thalidomide-Piperazine-PEG3-NH2

Thalidomide-Piperazine-PEG3-NH2 is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44874 Thalidomide-O-amido-PEG1-(C1-PEG)2-C2-NH2

Thalidomide-O-amido-PEG1-(C1-PEG)2-C2-NH2 is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44875 Thalidomide-Propargyne-PEG1-COOH

Thalidomide-Propargyne-PEG1-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44876 Thalidomide-5-PEG3-NH2

Thalidomide-5-PEG3-NH2 is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44877 Glutarimide-Isoindolinone-NH-PEG2-COOH

Glutarimide-Isoindolinone-NH-PEG2-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates a cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44878 Thalidomide-Propargyne-PEG2-COOH

Thalidomide-Propargyne-PEG2-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44879 Thalidomide-PEG3-COOH

Thalidomide-PEG3-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44880 Thalidomide-5-PEG4-NH2

Thalidomide-5-PEG4-NH2 is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44881 Thalidomide-Piperazine-PEG1-COOH

Thalidomide-Piperazine-PEG1-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44882 Glutarimide-Isoindolinone-NH-PEG3-COOH

Glutarimide-Isoindolinone-NH-PEG3-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates a cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44883 Thalidomide-Propargyne-PEG3-COOH

Thalidomide-Propargyne-PEG3-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44884 Thalidomide-PEG4-COOH

Thalidomide-PEG4-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44885 Thalidomide-Piperazine-PEG2-COOH

Thalidomide-Piperazine-PEG2-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44886 Glutarimide-Isoindolinone-NH-PEG4-COOH

Glutarimide-Isoindolinone-NH-PEG4-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates a cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44887 Thalidomide-PEG5-COOH

Thalidomide-PEG5-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44888 Thalidomide-Piperazine-PEG3-COOH

Thalidomide-Piperazine-PEG3-COOH is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Thalidomide based cereblon ligand and a linker used in PROTAC technology.

DC44889 Pomalidomide 4'-PEG3-azide

Pomalidomide 4'-PEG3-azide is a synthesized E3 ligase ligand-linker conjugate that incorporates the Pomalidomide-based cereblon ligand and a linker. Pomalidomide 4'-PEG3-azide can be used for the synthesis of iRucaparib-TP3 (Compound 3). iRucaparib-TP3 is a highly efficient PARP1 degrader based on Rucaparib by using the PROTAC approach.

DC44905 Vepdegestrant (ARV-471) Featured

ARV-471 is a best-in-class, orally active estrogen receptor (ER) PROTAC degrader. ARV-471 is developed for the research of breast cancer.

DC45199 PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-10

PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-10 (compound 8b) is a potent BRD4 degrader. PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-10 can be conjugated with STEAP1 and CLL1 antibodies to degrade the BRD4 protein in PC3 prostate cancer cells, with a DC50 of 1.3 nM and 18 nM, respectively.

DC45200 PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-12

PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-12 (compound 9c) is a potent chimeric BRD4 degrader. PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-12 can be conjugated with STEAP1 and CLL1 antibodies to degrade the BRD4 protein in PC3 prostate cancer cells, with a DC50 of 0.39 nM and 0.24 nM, respectively.

DC45201 PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-13

PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-13 (compound 9d) is a potent chimeric BRD4 degrader. PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-13 can be conjugated with STEAP1 and CLL1 antibodies to degrade the BRD4 protein in PC3 prostate cancer cells, with a DC50 of 0.025 nM and 6.0 nM, respectively.

DC45202 PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-11

PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-11 (compound 9a) is a potent chimeric BRD4 degrader. PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-11 can be conjugated with STEAP1 and CLL1 antibodies to degrade the BRD4 protein in PC3 prostate cancer cells, with a DC50 of 0.23 nM and 0.38 nM, respectively.

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