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DC43923 RBC10 Featured

Novel inhibitor of the binding of Ral to its effector RALBP1, inhibiting Ral-mediated cell spreading of murine embryonic fibroblasts and anchorage-independent growth of human cancer cell lines

DC43932 Auxinole Featured

Potent TIR1 antagonist, blocking the formation of the TIR1-IAA-Aux/IAA complex and so inhibiting auxin-responsive gene expressionReferences:1) Smékalová V, Luptovčiak I, Komis G, Šamajová O, Ovečka M, Doskočilová A, Takáč T, Vadovič P, Novák O, Pechan T,

DC43934 SIRT6-IN-5 Featured

Novel inhibitor of SIRT6, sensitizing pancreatic cancer cells to gemcitabineREFERENCES1) Damonte P, Sociali G, Parenti MD, Soncini D, Bauer I, Boero S, Grozio A, Holtey MV, Piacente F, Becherini P, Sanguineti R, Salis A, Damonte G, Cea M, Murone M, Poggi

DC43319 (S)-3,4-DCPG Featured

Potent and selective mGluR8-specific orthosteric agonist

DC43940 Melittin Featured

Melittin (MLT, Forapin, Forapine) is an activator of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) that stimulates the activity of the low molecular weight PLA2, while it does not the increase the activity of the high molecular weight enzyme.

DC43943 Gadobutrol Featured

Gadobutrol (Gadovist, Gadavist) is a non-ionic macrocyclic gadolinium-based contrast agent (GBCA) that is usedfor tissue contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

DC43957 Neophytadiene Featured

Neophytadiene is a diterpene found in Turbinaria ornate, with anti-inflammatory antioxidant and cardioprotective properties.

DC43960 MC-Gly-Gly-Phe-Gly-NH-CH2-O-CH2COOH Featured

MC-Gly-Gly-Phe-Gly-NH-CH2-O-CH2COOH is a cleavable ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC43973 DL-TBOA ammonium Featured

DL-TBOA ammonium is a potent non-transportable inhibitor of excitatory amino acid transporters with IC50s of 70 μM, 6 μM and 6 μM for excitatory amino acid transporter-1 (EAAT1), EAAT2 and EAAT3, respectively. DL-TBOA ammonium inhibits the uptake of [14C]

DC43982 Enfumafungin Featured

Enfumafungin, a triterpene glycoside, is isolated from extracts derived from an endophytic species of Hormonema. Enfumafungin is an antifungal compound that is acting on the fungal cell wall, as the (1,3)-beta-D-glucan synthase inhibitor. Enfumafungin is specific for yeasts and fungi (excluding Cryptococcus) and does not inhibit the growth of Bacillus subtilis[1][2].

DC43987 MCHR1 antagonist 2 Featured

MCHR1 antagonist 2 is an antagonist of melanin concentrating hormone receptor 1, with an IC50 of 65 nM; MCHR1 antagonist 2 also inhibits hERG, with an IC50 of 4.0 nM in IMR-32 cells.

DC43994 SMS2-IN-1 Featured

SMS2-IN-1 is a potent and highly selective sphingomyelin synthase 2 (SMS2) inhibitor with an IC50 of 6.5 nM and a Kd of 37 nM. SMS2-IN-1 shows 150-fold selectivity for SMS2 over SMS1 (IC50 of 1000 nM).

DC43995 Conoidin A Featured

Conoidin A is a cell permeable inhibitor of T. gondii enzyme peroxiredoxin II (TgPrxII). Conoidin A covalently binds to the peroxidatic Cys47 of TgPrxII, irreversibly inhibiting its hyperperoxidation activity with an IC50 of 23 µM. Conoidin A also inhibit

DC51000 Sisunatovir (Synonyms: RV521) Featured

Sisunatovir (RV521), an orally available inhibitor of the RSV fusion (RSV-F) protein, exhibits potent efficacy against a panel of clinical isolates of RSV-A and RSV-B viruses, with IC50s of 1.4 nM and 1.0 nM, respectively.

DC51001 Sisunatovir HCl Featured

Sisunatovir, also known as RV521, is a highly potent fusion inhibitor with efficacy against a panel of clinical isolates of RSV-A and RSV-B viruses. RV521 exhibited a mean IC50 of 1.2 nM against a panel of RSV A and B laboratory strains and clinical isolates with antiviral efficacy in the Balb/C mouse model of RSV infection. Oral bioavailability in preclinical species ranged from 42 to >100% with evidence of highly efficient penetration into lung tissue. In healthy adult human volunteers experimentally infected with RSV, a potent antiviral effect was observed with a significant reduction in viral load and symptoms compared to placebo.

DC51003 BMS-986224 Featured

BMS-986224 is a potent and selective apelin receptor (APJ) agonist with Ki of 0.074 nM, exhibiting similar receptor binding and signaling profile to (Pyr1) apelin-13.

DC51005 BMS986313 Featured

BMS-986313 is a tricyclic-carbocyclic RORγt inverse agonist and shows potent GaL4-Luc reporter(GAL4) and human whole blood (hWB) activity (EC50s of 3.6 nM and 50 nM, respectively.

DC51006 Lenalidomide-4-OH Featured

A Novel PROTACs building block.

DC51007 Lenalidomide-5-aminomethyl hydrochloride Featured

Lenalidomide-5-aminomethyl hydrochloride is the Lenalidomide-based cereblon (CRBN) ligand used in the recruitment of CRBN protein. Lenalidomide-5-aminomethyl hydrochloride can be connected to the ligand for protein by a linker to form PROTAC

DC51010 CID 138454799 Featured

ERD-308 is a highly potent PROTAC degrader of estrogen receptor (ER) for ER positive breast cancer treatment.

DC51011 IXA6 Featured

IXA6 is a novel small molecule compound of inducing IRE1 RNase activity.

DC51012 IXA4 Featured

IXA4 is the most selective for the IRE1–XBP1s signaling pathway.IXA4 selectively activate IRE1–XBP1s signaling and reduces secretion of APP through IRE1 activation.

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