Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Antibiotics and Antivirals
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC10567 KKL-10 Featured

KKL-10 is a small-molecule ribosome rescue inhibitor with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against bacteria.

DC1108 Laninamivir (CS-8958) Featured

Laninamivir (CS-8958) is a neuraminidase inhibitor which is being researched for the treatment and prophylaxis of Influenzavirus A and Influenzavirus B.

DC8775 LED209

LED209 is a potent QseC inhibitor that blocks both norepinephrine- and epinephrine-triggered QseC-dependent virulence gene expression at 5 pM in vitro.

DC7460 Masitinib Featured

Masitinib is a broad coronavirus 3CL inhibitor that effectively blocks replication of SARS-CoV-2. Science 20 Jul 2021: eabg5827 DOI: 10.1126/science.abg5827

DC10258 Mebendazole

Mebendazole is a synthetic benzimidazole derivate and anthelmintic agent. Mebendazole interferes with the reproduction and survival of helminths by inhibiting the formation of their cytoplasmic microtubules, thereby selectively and irreversibly blocking g

DC20446 Mefuparib hydrochloride(CVL218) Featured

Mefuparib(CVL218) hydrochloride is a potent, highly selective, competitive PARP1/2 inhibitor with IC50 of 3.2/1.9 nM, respectively.CVL218 was more potent than Remdesivir in blocking Coronavirus infection of cells and equally as potent as Remdesivir in blocking replication of virus once it has entered the cells.

DC8928 Minocycline hydrochloride Featured

Minocycline is a tetracycline antibiotic with neuroprotective, antiapoptotic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

DC4226 Moxifloxacin hydrochloride

Moxifloxacin(Avelox, Avalox) is a fourth generation synthetic fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent.

DC11273 Murepavadin (POL7080) Featured

Murepavadin is a novel class of highly specific outer membrane protein targeting antibiotic to treat resistant Pseudomonas infections.

DCAPI1293 Nanchangmycin

Nanchangmycin (dianemycin) is a polyether antibiotic with similar structure to dianemycin and is very active against a broad spectrum of harmful nematodes and insects but not for for mammals and plants.

DC9476 NBD-556 Featured

NBD-556 is small molecule mimetic of CD4, NBD-556 recognizes the HIV-1 envelope protein gp120 and induces restructuring of gp120 analogous to CD4 binding.

DC9477 NBD-557

NBD-557 is a potentially HIV-1 inhibitor.

DC10355 Nelfinavir Featured

Nelfinavir(AG-1341) is a potent and orally bioavailable human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 protease inhibitor (Ki=2 nM) and is widely prescribed in combination with HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitors for the treatment of HIV infection.

DC9474 Nelfinavir (Mesylate)

Nelfinavir(AG-1341) is a potent and orally bioavailable human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 protease inhibitor (Ki=2 nM) and is widely prescribed in combination with HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitors for the treatment of HIV infection.

DC9019 Nevirapine

Nevirapine is a potent, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) used in combination with nucleoside analogues for treatment of HIV-1 infection and AIDS.

DC7791 NITD 609

NITD 609 is a novel and potent drug candidate for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria

DC8178 Beclabuvir(BMS-791325)

non-nucleoside inhibitor of the NS5B

DC11016 NOSO-502

NOSO-502 (NOSO502) is a novel inhibitor of bacterial translation, has MIC values of 0.5-4 ug/ml against standard Enterobacteriaceae strains and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) isolates that produce KPC, AmpC, or OXA enzymes and metallo-β-lactamases.

DC8183 Paritaprevir(Veruprevir ABT-450) Featured

NS3/4A protease inhibitor

DC9672 NSC5844 (RE640) Featured

NSC5844 (RE640) is a bisquinoline compound with C-C chemokine receptor type 1 (CCR1)-agonistic properties.

DC11260 NTCP binder peptide WD1

NTCP binder peptide WD1 is a macrocyclic peptide, pan-genotypic inhibitor of HBV cellular entry via targeting the cell-surface receptor for HBV, sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP, Kd=15 nM), reduces HBs antigen levels in culture supernatants.

DC11259 NTCP binder peptide WL4

NTCP binder peptide WL4 is a macrocyclic peptide, pan-genotypic inhibitor of HBV cellular entry via targeting the cell-surface receptor for HBV, sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP, Kd=42 nM), reduces HBs antigen levels in culture supernatants with IC50 of 0.66 uM.

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