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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC9486 Nucleozin Featured

Nucleozin targets influenza A nucleoprotein (NP), a multifunctional, RNA-binding protein necessary for virus replication.

DCAPI1594 Oseltamivir phosphate Featured

OSELTAMIVIR is an active (orally) inhibitor of the influenze virus neuraminidase and converted to the active acid metabolite in vivo.

DC7625 PA-824(Pretomanid) Featured

PA-824 is an anti-tuberculosis drug for tuberculosis with MIC less than 2.8 μM.Phase 2.

DC9723 PBTZ169 Featured

PBTZ169 is a decaprenyl-phosphoribose-epimerase (DprE1) inhibitor.

DC11770 PC786 Featured

PC786 (PC-786) is a potent non-nucleoside RSV L-protein polymerase inhibitor with IC50 of 2.1 nM and 0.5 nM in cell-free enzyme assay and mini-genome assay in HEp-2 cells, respectively.

DCAPI1121 Peramivir


DCAPI1010 Peramivir Trihydrate Featured

Peramivir, also known as BCX1812 and RWJ 270201, is an antiviral drug for the treatment of influenza. Peramivir is a neuraminidase inhibitor, acting as a transition-state analogue inhibitor of influenza neuraminidase and thereby preventing new viruses from emerging from infected cells. Peramivir was approved to treat influenza infection in adults.

DC7691 PF 1022A Featured

PF 1022A is a N-methylated cyclooctadepsipeptides (CODPs) with strong anthelmintic properties; acts as an ionophore.

DC11808 PF-46396

PF-46396 is a specific small-molecule inhibitor of HIV-1 Gag maturation that interferes specifically with the cleavage of the CA/SP1 (p25) Gag precursor to the mature CA (p24) protein.

DC10728 Pibrentasvir(ABT-530) Featured

Pibrentasvir is a novel and pan-genotypic hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5A inhibitor with EC50s ranging from 1.4 to 5.0 pM against HCV replicons containing NS5A from genotypes 1 to 6.

DC9815 Pimodivir(VX-787) Featured

Pimodivir(VX-787) is a novel inhibitor of influenza virus replication that blocks the PB2 cap-snatching activity of the influenza viral polymerase complex. 

DC10016 Pleconarilis Featured

Pleconarilis is a picornavirus replication inhibitor.

DCAPI1447 Pneumocandin B0 Featured

Pneumocandin B0 is the major analogue of a family of lipopeptides isolated from several species of several different genera, notably Cryptosporiopsis, Glarea and Pezicula. Pneumocandin B0 is a potent antifungal and acts by inhibition of the synthesis of β

DCAPI1093 Posaconazole Featured

Posaconazole (Noxafil) is a sterol C14ɑ demethylase inhibitor with an IC50 of 0.25 nM.

DC4121 PSI6130 Featured

PSI-6130(R 1656) is a Hepatitis C Virus Nucleoside Inhibitor. PSI-6130(R 1656) is useful for Antiviral agents.

DCAPI1553 Pyrimethamine

Pyrimethamine is a potent inhibitor of multi-drug and toxin extrusion transporters. This compound inhibits Mdr-1(Pgp) and thus allows for active drugs to stay within the cell for longer periods of time, increasing their effectiveness by preventing efflux

DC9462 R-7128(Mericitabine) Featured

R-7128(Mericitabine) is a selective nucleoside analog inhibitor of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5B RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, with activity across all HCV genotypes.

DC8930 Rafoxanide

Rafoxanide is a salicylanilide used as an antiparasitic agent.

DC9479 Raltegravir (potassium salt)

Raltegravir potassium salt(MK0518 potassium salt) is a potent integrase (IN) inhibitor, used to treat HIV infection.

DCAPI1581 Raltegravir Featured

Raltegravir Salt is a potent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) integrase inhibitor and a novel anti-AIDS drug.

DC8190 Ravidasvir hydrochloride (PPI-668) Featured

Ravidasvir(PPI-668) is a NS5A Inhibitor.

DC10441 Relebactam Featured

Relebactam is a diazabicyclooctane inhibitor with activity against a wide spectrum of β-lactamases, including class A (extended-spectrum β-lactamases [ESBLs] and KPC) and class C (AmpC) enzymes.

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