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DC10770 CU-CPT-9a Featured

CU-CPT9a is an antagonist of toll-like receptor 8 (TLR8). It inhibits activation of NF-κB induced by the TLR8 agonist R-848 in TLR8-overexpressing HEK-Blue cells (IC50 = 0.5 nM). CU-CPT9a reverses R-848-induced increases in NF-κB p65, IRAK-4, and TRAF3 protein levels in HEK-Blue cells.

DC9282 cucurbitacin B Featured

Cucurbitacin B, an oxygenated tetracyclic triterpenoid compound extracted from Cucurbitaceae plant species, is a long-term anticancer agent by disruption of microtubule polymerization.

DC23035 Curcurbitacin IIa Featured

Cucurbitacin IIa has anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects, it can induce apoptosis and enhance autophagy; it also can disrupt the actin cytoskeleton and direct the cell to undergo PARP-mediated apoptosis through the inhibition of sur

DC7544 CUDC-101 Featured

CUDC-101 is a potent multi-targeted inhibitor against HDAC, EGFR and HER2 with IC50 of 4.4 nM, 2.4 nM, and 15.7 nM, and inhibits class I/II HDACs, but not class III, Sir-type HDACs. Phase 1.

DC9699 CVM-1118(CVM1118) Featured

CVM-1118(CVM1118) has high anti-cancer activity, good safety margin, and multiple mechanisms of action targeting cancer, especially its unique ability to inhibit vasculogenic mimicry (VM).

DC7391 CVT-10216 Featured

CVT-10216 is a potent and selective, reversible inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) (IC50 values are 29 and 1300 nM for ALDH2 and ALDH1, respectively).

DC9306 CVT-313(NG-26) Featured

CVT-313(NG-26) is a potent, selective, reversible, and ATP-competitive inhibitor of CDK2 (IC50 = 0.5 uM for Cdk2/A and Cdk2/E; 4.2 uM for Cdk1/B; 215 uM for Cdk4/D1).

DC7392 CW069 Featured

CW-069 is a novel and allosteric inhibitor of the microtubule motor protein HSET with IC50 value of 75 ± 20 μM; shows statistically significant selectivity over KSP.

DC9278 CWHM-12 Featured

CWHM-12 a novel small molecule inhibitor of αV integrins with IC50s of 1.8/0.8/1.5/0.2 nM for αvβ1/αvβ3/αvβ8; less potency on αvβ5(IC50=61 nM) and on inhibition on αIIbβ3/α2β1/α10β1.

DC7111 CX-4945 (Silmitasertib) Featured

CX-4945 (Silmitasertib) is a potent and selective ATP-competitive small molecule protein kinase CK2 inhibitor with a Ki and an IC50 of 0.38 and 1 nM for recombinant human CK2α, respectively.

DC23942 CX-4945 sodium salt(Silmitasertib) Featured

CX-4945 Sodium Salt is a water soluble CX-4945 (GLXC-04060), First-in-class Casein kinase 2 (CK2) inhibitor, sequentially attenuating the proteins in PI3K/Akt and MAPK pathways.

DC24074 CX-546 Featured

CX546 is an AMPA receptor potentiator and GluR activator, binds specifically to the agonist bound non-desensitized receptor.

DC7810 CX-5461 Featured

CX-5461 is an inhibitor of rRNA synthesis, selectively inhibits Pol I-driven transcription of rRNA, has no effect on Pol II, and possesses 250-to 300-fold selectivity for inhibition of rRNA transcription versus DNA replication and protein translation.

DC7153 CX6258 Featured

CX-6258 is a potent, orally efficacious Pim 1/2/3 kinase(IC50=5 nM/25 nM/16 nM) inhibitor with excellent biochemical potency and kinase selectivity.

DC9925 CXD101(AZD-9468) Featured

CXD101(AZD-9468) is a novel histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor with potential antineoplastic activity.

DC10620 CY-09 Featured

CY-09 is an NLRP3 inhibitor.

DC10576 Cyantraniliprole Featured

Cyantraniliprole(HGW-86) is an insecticide of the ryanoid class; has activity against pests such as Diaphorina citri that have developed resistance to other classes insecticides.

DC10442 Cyazofamid Featured

Cyazofamid is a foliar fungicide approved for use in the EU.

DC10775 Fadraciclib (CYC065) Featured

CYC065 is an orally bioavailable inhibitor of cyclin dependent kinases 2, 5 and 9 (CDK2/5/9) with potential antineoplastic and chemoprotective activities.

DC7325 CYC116 Featured

CYC116 is a potent inhibitor of Aurora A/B with Ki of 8.0 nM/9.2 nM.

DC10541 Cyclo(RGDfC) Featured

Cyclo (RGDfC), avb3 Integrin Binding Cyclic RGD Peptide,This is a cyclic RGDfC sequence, an integrin avb3-affine peptide.

DC26050 Cyclo(L-Pro-L-Val) Featured

Cyclo(L-Pro-L-Val) is a diketopiperazine that has been found in the marine sponge T. ignis, the bacterium B. pumilus, and the fungus A. fumigatus, among others.

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