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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC22922 3M-003

A potent TLR7/8 agonist that induces robust production of the Th1-polarizing cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-12 from neonatal antigen-presenting cells (APCs)..

DC22393 IW-927

A potent TNFα/TNFRc1 interaction antagonist with IC50 of 50 nM, with no affinity for the related cytokine receptors TNFRc2 or CD40, and no cytotoxicity (>100 uM).

DC22618 MMAD hydrochloride

A potent tubulin inhibitor that is a toxin payload in antibody drug conjugates (ADCs)..

DC22607 Masitinib mesylate

A potent tyrosine kinase inhibitor targeting c-Kit and PDGFR with IC50 of 0.15 and 0.05 uM in cell based assays.

DC23995 Lck inhibitor 2 Featured

A potent tyrosine kinases inhibitor with IC50 of 13/9/3/26/2 nM for Lck/Btk/Lyn/Syk/Txk..

DC11922 BC-1382

A potent ubiquitin E3 ligase HECTD2 inhibitor that specificly disrupts the HECTD2/PIAS1 interaction with IC50 of 5 nM.

DC22374 BMS-299897

A potent γ-secretase inhibitor that preferentially inhibits cleavage of the APP CTF cleavage with IC50 of 7.1 nM.

DC24011 (±)-BI-D

A potent, allosteric HIV integrase inhibitor (Kd=34 nM) that binds the LEDGF/p75 binding site on integrase.

DC20541 RUNX1-IN-17

A potent, allosteric inhibitor of CBFβ-RUNX1 interaction with IC50 of 3.2 uM in FRET assays.

DC11656 AMPK-Activator-13

A potent, allosteric, α1-selective small molecule activator of AMPK (EC50=20 nM).

DC23288 SMBA1

A potent, and selective Bax agonist (Ki=43.3 nM) that induces conformational changes in Bax by blocking S184 phosphorylation.

DC23992 FAAH inhibitor 1

A potent, and selective FAAH inhibitor with IC50 of 18 nM.

DC22748 UBP 302

A potent, and selective GluR5-subunit containing kainate receptor antagonist with Kd of 402 nM.

DC11643 Olomoucine Featured

A potent, ATP-competetive CDKs inhibitor with IC50 of 7, 7, 7, 3 uM for Cdc2/cyclin B, Cdk2/cyclin A, Cdk2/cyclin E, and Cdk/p35 kinase.

DC11714 PV-1019

A potent, ATP-competitive and highly selective Chk2 inhibitor with IC50 of 138 nM.

DC20475 Nek2 inhibitor 72

A potent, ATP-competitive and relative selective Nek2 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.27 uM.

DC23063 FAUC 1104

A potent, biased allosteric agonist of CXCR3 (pEC50=5.22) that activates solely G proteins, induces chemotaxis, but fails to induce receptor internalization or β-arrestin 2 recruitment..

DC23064 FAUC 1036

A potent, biased allosteric agonist of CXCR3 (pEC50=6.64), selectively induces chemotaxis and receptor internalization, and induces β-arrestin 2 recruitment without any stimulation of G proteins..

DC11843 MT-031

A potent, brain penetrant, dual MAO-A and AChE inhibitor that shows neuroprotective effects both in vitro and in vivo.

DC22801 MK2 inhibitor III

A potent, cell-permeable inhibitor of MK2 with IC50 of 8.5 nM.

DC20868 CCG-203586

A potent, CNS-active Glucosylceramide synthase (GCS) inhibitor with IC50 of 27 nM.

DC22472 Naltrexone Featured

A potent, competitive antagonist for μ, κ, δ, and σ-opioid receptors with Ki of 0.0825 nM, 0.509 nM, and 8.02 nM, for MOR, KOR, and DOR, respectively.

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