Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Nuclear Receptor/Transcription Factor
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC10833 LY2955303 Featured

LY2955303 is a potent and selective RAR-gamma antagonist for the treatment of osteoarthritis pain.

DC7459 LY500307

LY500307 is a potent, selective estrogen receptor β agonist with EC50 of 0.66 nM, 32-fold selectivity against estrogen receptor α. Phase 2.

DC12034 MA-0204 Featured

MA-0204 is a potent, selective PPARδ modulator with good pharmacokinetic properties.

DC11236 MB-07811 (VK-2809) Featured

MB-07811 (VK-2809) is an orally bioavailable, liver-targeted prodrug of MB07344, which is a thyroid hormone receptor-beta agonist (TRβ) agonist, efficiently converted to MB07344 by liver microsomes in vivo.

DC5069 Enzalutamide (MDV3100) Featured

MDV3100 is an androgen-receptor (AR) antagonist with IC50 of 36 nM.

DC9995 MGL-3196(Resmetirom) Featured

MGL-3196 is a potent and highly selective thyroid hormone receptor β agonist in clinical trials for the treatment of dyslipidemia.

DC10544 MKC3946 Featured

MKC3946 is a potent and soluble IRE1α inhibitor, used for cancer research.

DC7683 ML-228

ML-228 is a hIF pathway activator (EC50 values are 1.23 and 1.4 μM for HRE gene reporter assay and HIF-1α nuclear translocation assay respectively); acts via chelation of iron, independently of PHD.

DC9682 ML-264 Featured

ML264 is a novel small molecule inhibitor of Krüppel-like factor 5 (KLF5).

DC10121 ML-329 Featured

ML329 is a small molecule inhibitor of the MITF molecular pathway.

DC10282 ML385 Featured

ML385 is a novel and specific NRF2 inhibitor.

DC11047 MRL871 Featured

MRL-871 (MRL871) is a potent, selective inhibitor of RORγt via allosteric inverse agonism, inhibits coactivator binding with IC50 of 7 nM; significantly reduces the IL17a mRNA levels in EL4 murine lymphoblast cell line at 10 uM.

DC10952 MYCMI-6(NSC 354961) Featured

MYCMI-6 (NSC354961) is a selective, high affinity inhibitor of MYC-MAX interaction, blocks MYC-driven transcription and binds selectively to the MYC bHLHZip domain with Kd of 1.6 uM in SPR assay.

DC10606 Mycro-3 Featured

Mycro 3 is potent and selective for c-Myc in whole cell assays.

DC9347 N-desmethyl Enzalutamide Featured

N-desmethyl Enzalutamide(N-desmethyl MDV3100) is a major metabolite of Enzalutamide, Enzalutamide(MDV3100) is an androgen-receptor (AR) antagonist with IC50 of 36 nM.

DC11462 NH-125 Featured

NH125 is an imidazole that has potent antibacterial properties in drug-resistant bacteria.

DCAPI1187 Nobiletin (Hexamethoxyflavone)

Nobiletin (Hexamethoxyflavone)

DC9037 Norethindrone

Norethindrone is a synthetic progestin, which mimic the actions of the endogenous ovarian hormone progesterone.

DC8346 O4I-1 Featured

O4I1-1 is a Oct3/4 inducer. Increases Oct3/4 mRNA levels in HEK293 cells by 2.5- and 4-fold at 10 μM and 20 μM, respectively.

DC8345 O4I2 Featured

O4I2 is a a new class of small molecules suitable for iPSC generation, showed high activity in enforcing Oct3/4 expression.

DC8208 OAC1 Featured

OAC1 is a Octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (Oct4)-activating compound; enhances the iPSC reprogramming efficiency and accelerated the reprogramming process.

DC8700 ODM-201(Darolutamide) Featured

ODM-201 is a potent and full antagonists for human AR (hAR) with IC50 values of 26 nM by transactivation assays in AR-HEK293 cells.

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