Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Nuclear Receptor/Transcription Factor
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC7714 Fenretinide (4-HPR) Featured

Fenretinide (4-HPR) is a synthetic retinoid deriverative. 4-HBR is shown to exhibit binding to the retinoic acid receptors (RAR) at concentrations necessary to induce cell death.

DC8069 Fexaramate Featured

Fexaramate is a potent, selective farnesoid X receptor agonist.

DC8085 Fexaramine Featured

Fexaramine is a potent, selective FXR activator.

DC8070 Fexarene Featured

Fexarene is a potent, selective farnesoid X receptor agonist.

DC8071 Fexarine Featured

Fexarine is a potent, selective farnesoid X receptor agonist.

DC8195 FG2216 Featured

FG-2216 is a potent HIF-prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor with IC50 of 3.9 uM for PDH2 enzyme; orally bioavailable and induced significant and reversible Epo induction in vivo.

DC5193 Roxadustat(FG-4592) Featured

FG-4592 is an HIF αprolyl hydroxylase inhibitor, stabilizes HIF-2 and induces EPO production.

DC11187 Fonadelpar

Fonadelpar (NPS-005,SJP-0035) is a potent, selective peroxisome proliferator activated receptor δ (PPARδ) agonist for the treatment of corneal disorders..

DC12062 GDC-0927 Racemate

GDC-0927 Racemate is a degrader of estrogen receptor, potently inhibits ER-α activity, with an IC50 of 0.2 nM, and is used in the research of ER-related diseases.

DC10347 Gestrinone

Gestrinone (R2323) is a synthetic steroid hormone used to treat endometriosis. It inhibits leiomyoma cells with an IC50 of 43.67 μM.

DC11845 GNE-3500

GNE-3500 (GNE3500) is a potent, selective, and orally bioavailable RORγ inhibitor with IC50 of 47 nM in IL-17 promoter assays.

DC11189 GNE-6468

GNE-6468 (GNE6468) is a potent and selective RORc inverse agonist (EC50=2 nM) with >1,000-fold selectivity for RORc over PPARγ.

DC1036 GSK-0660 Featured

GSK-0660 is a selective PPARδ antagonist (IC50 values are 0.155, > 10 and ≥ 10 μM at PPARδ, PPARα and PPARγ respectively).

DC11415 GSK2033 Featured

GSK2033 is a LXR antagonist with pIC50s of 7 and 7.4 for LXRα or LXRβ, respectively.

DC9738 GSK2881078 Featured

GSK2881078 (GSK-2881078 ) is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM).

DC9713 GSK2981278 Featured

GSK2981278 is a highly potent and selective inverse agonist of retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor gamma (ROR gamma).

DC1035 GSK3787 Featured

GSK3787 is as a potent and selective antagonist of PPARδ with pIC50 of 6.6.

DC7566 GW-4064 Featured

GW 4064 is a selective, non-steroidal farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonist (EC50 = 15 nM).

DC2078 GW-7647 Featured

GW 7647 is a potent PPARα agonist with 200-fold selectivity over PPARγ and PPARδ.

DC9904 GW0742 Featured

GW-0742 is a potent and highly selective PPARδ agonist.

DC7149 GW1929 Featured

GW1929 is a synthetic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) agonist with IC50 of 6.2 nM and 13 nM for human and mouse, respectively.

DC7837 GW-3965 hydrochloride Featured

GW3965 HCl is a potent, selective LXR agonist for hLXRα and hLXRβ with EC50 of 190 and 30 nM, respectively.

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