Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Ras-Raf-MAPK-ERK
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC4177 Cobimetinib(GDC-0973; XL518) Featured

GDC-0973 is a potent, highly selective inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase, also known as MEK, a serine/threonine kinase that is a component of the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway.

DC10106 GNE-3511 Featured

GNE-3511 is a potent and selective zipper kinase (DLK, MAP3K12) inhibitors.

DC10546 GNE-495 Featured

GNE-495 is a potent and Selective MAP4K4 Inhibitor with IC50 of 3.7 nM.

DC8810 GW-5074 Featured

GW 5074 is a potent, selective and cell-permeable c-Raf1 kinase inhibitor (IC50 = 9 nM); displays ≥ 100-fold selectivity for raf kinase over CDK1, CDK2, c-src, ERK2, MEK, p38, Tie2, VEGFR2 and c-fms.

DC10503 GW806742X Featured

GW806742X is a novel VEGFR inhibitor.

DC9694 IQ-1S Featured

IQ-1S is a selective JNK3 inhibitor (IC50 values are 390, 360 and 87 nM for JNK1, 2 and 3 respectively).

DC11240 KBFM123

KBFM123 (KBFM-123) is a small molecule, allosteric inhibitor of GTP-bound form of H-Ras, weakly inhibits the association of H-RasG12V-GppNHp with c-Raf-1 RBD (Kd=10-100 uM).

DC10487 KO947 Featured

KO-947 is a small molecule inhibitor of extracellular-signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2), as a potential treatment for cancers in which the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway.

DC11223 KRAS inhibitor C6ME

KRAS inhibitor C6ME is a small-molecule compound that blocks biochemical and cellular functions of KRASG12V in vitro..

DC11222 KRAS inhibitor Cmpd2

KRAS inhibitor Cmpd2 is a small-molecule compound that blocks biochemical and cellular functions of KRASG12V with IC50 of 0.8 uM in vitro.

DC7793 K RAS INHIBITOR-12 Featured

K-Ras(G12C) inhibitor 12 is an allosteric inhibitor of oncogenic K-Ras(G12C).

DC9906 K-Ras-IN-1 Featured

K-Ras-IN-1 is a K-Ras inhibitor, by binding to K-Ras in a hydrophobic pocket that is occupied by Tyr-71 in the apo-Ras crystal structure.

DC8362 L-779,450 Featured

L-779,450 is a potent, ATP-competitive Raf (Raf kinase) inhibitor (IC50 = 10 nM) that displays > 7, > 30 and > 70-fold selectivity over p38α, GSK3β and Lck respectively.

DC7018 LGX-818(Encorafenib) Featured

LGX818 is an orally available mutated BRaf V600E inhibitor(IC50=0.3 nM) with potential antineoplastic activity.

DC10099 BGB283

Lifirafenib(BGB-283) is a Novel potent and selective RAF Kinase and EGFR inhibitor.

DC8811 LJH-685 Featured

LJH685 is a selective and potent RSK inhibitor.

DC8812 LJI-308 Featured

LJI308 is a selective and potent RSK inhibitor.

DC7711 Losmapimod Featured

Losmapimod (GW856553X) is a selective, potent, and orally active p38 MAPK inhibitor with pKi of 8.1 and 7.6 for p38α and p38β, respectively. Phase 3.

DC10828 LXH254 Featured

LXH254 is a potent CRAF inhibitor extracted from patent WO2018051306A1, Compound A. LXH254 also is a potent BRAF inhibitor.

DC8630 Ralimetinib 2MsOH(LY2228820) Featured

LY2228820 is a novel and potent p38MAPK inhibitor (the IC50 for p38αMAPK and p38βMAPK were 7 nM and 3 nM, respectively).

DC7943 LYS6K2(LY2584702) tosylate salt Featured

LY-2584702 is an orally available inhibitor of p70S6K signaling; inhibits p70S6K and prevents phosphorylation of the S6 subunit of ribosomes.

DC8344 LY3009120 Featured

LY3009120 is a potent and selective pan-RAF inhibitor with potential anticancer activity.

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