Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Ras-Raf-MAPK-ERK
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC10640 LY3214996 Featured

LY3214996 is a selective and novel ERK1/2 inhibitor with IC50 of 5 nM for both enzymes in biochemical assays. It potently inhibits cellular phospho-RSK1 in BRAF and RAS mutant cancer cell lines.

DC10751 M2698 Featured

M2698 is a potent dual-inhibitor of p70S6K and Akt that affects tumor growth in mouse models of cancer and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

DC7467 ML-098 Featured

ML-098 is an activator of the GTP-binding protein Rab7 (EC50 = 77.6 nM) that demonstrates selectivity against the related GTPases cdc42, Ras, Rab-2A, and Rac1 (EC50s = 588.8, 346.7, 158.5, and 794.3 nM, respectively).

DC11829 MW-150 Featured

MW-150 is a novel potent, selective, CNS penetrant and orally active inhibitor of p38α MAPK with Ki of 101 nM

DC11828 MW-150 hydrochloride

MW-150 is a novel potent, selective, CNS penetrant and orally active inhibitor of p38α MAPK with Ki of 101 nM

DC9817 Necrosulfonamide (NSA) Featured

Necrosulfonamide (NSA) is a very specific and potent necrosis inhibitor with an IC50 less than 0.2 uM.

DC8787 NQDI-1 Featured

NQDI-1 is a specific inhibitor of ASK1 (IC50 = 3 μM; Ki = 500 nM) that demonstrates potent selectivity against various serine/threonine and tyrosine protein kinases.

DC7963 NSC-23766 free base Featured

NSC 23766 is a specific inhibitor of the binding and activation of RAC GTPase with IC50 of ~50 μM; does not inhibit the closely related targets, Cdc42 or RhoA.

DC8725 NSC 23766 Featured

NSC 23766 is a specific inhibitor of the binding and activation of Rac GTPase.

DC8043 OTS514 Featured

OTS-514 is a novel TOPK(PDZ binding kinase; PBK) inhibitor. IC50:2.6nM

DC7723 OTS964, OTS 964 Featured

OTS964 is a novel TOPK(T–lymphokine-activated killer cell–originated protein kinase) inhibitor.

DC9681 Pamapimod(R-1503) Featured

Pamapimod(R-1503)is a novel p38 MAP kinase inhibitor.

DC10199 Pan-RAS-IN-1

Pan-RAS-IN-1 is a pan-Ras inhibitor that disrupts the interaction of Ras proteins and their effectors.

DC5100 PD 98059 Featured

PD 98059 is a selective inhibitor of MEK and blocker of MAPK

DC1056 PD0325901 (Mirdametinib) Featured

PD0325901 (PD325901) is selective and non ATP-competitive MEK inhibitor with IC50 of 0.33 nM.

DC5095 PD169316 Featured

PD169316 is a potent and selective p38 MAP kinase inhibitor

DC8744 PD318088 Featured

PD318088 is a non-ATP competitive allosteric MEK1/2 inhibitor, binds simultaneously with ATP in a region of the MEK1 active site that is adjacent to the ATP-binding site.

DC10496 PF06260933 Featured

PF 06260933 is a potent and selective MAP4K4 inhibitor (IC50 value 3.7 nM for MAP4K4 a.k.a. HGK or ZC1) with suitable PK properties in mouse to be used as a tool in an in vivo model of diabetes, vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis.

DC8727 PF-04880594 Featured

PF-04880594 is an inhibitor of RAF with IC50 values of 0.19 nM/0.13 nM and 0.39 nM for BRAF/BRAFV599E and c-RAF, respectively.

DC1071 Vemurafenib (PLX4032) Featured

PLX4032 (Vemurafenib, RG7204, Zelboraf, RO5185426) is a novel and potent inhibitor of B-RafV600E with IC50 of 31 nM.

DC6301 PLX-4720 Featured

PLX4720 is a potent and selective inhibitor of B-RafV600E with IC50 of 13 nM, equally potent to c-Raf-1(Y340D and Y341D mutations), 10-fold selectivity for B-RafV600E than wild-type B-Raf.

DC9814 PLX7904(PB04) Featured

PLX7904(PB04) is a potent and selective paradox-breaker RAF inhibitor.

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