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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC9395 AT7519 (trifluoroacetate)

AT7519 trifluoroacetate is a multi-CDK inhibitor for CDK1, 2, 4, 6 and 9 with IC50 of 10-210 nM; less potent to CDK3 and little active to CDK7.

DC7070 AT9283 Featured

AT9283 is a small molecule a multi-targeted inhibitor with of 4, 1.2, 1.1 and approximate 3 nM for Bcr-Abl(T3151), Jak2 and Jak3, aurora A and B, respectively.

DC3150 Atazanavir Featured

Atazanavir is a HIV protease inhibitor with Ki of 2.66 nM.

DC9480 Atazanavir (sulfate)

Atazanavir sulfate is a sulfate salt form of atazanavir that is an highly potent HIV-1 protease inhibitor.

DC9020 Atenolol

Atenolol is a selective β1 receptor antagonist.

DC8998 Atipamezole HCl

Atipamezole Hcl(MPV1248 Hcl) is an alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist with high affinity and selectivity for the alpha 2-receptor.

DC8925 Atipamezole Featured

Atipamezole(MPV1248) is an alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist with high affinity and selectivity for the alpha 2-receptor.

DC9034 Atomoxetine HCl

Atomoxetine Hcl(LY 139603; Tomoxetine Hcl) is a potent and selective noradrenalin re-uptake inhibitor (Ki values are 5, 77 and 1451 nM for inhibition of radioligand binding to human NET, SERT and DAT respectively).

DCAPI1442 Atorvastatin Calcium Featured

Atorvastatin Calcium

DC11095 ATR-101 free base

ATR-101 (PD-132301, Nevanimibe) is a selective and potent inhibitor of ACAT1 with IC50 of 52 nM.

DC5202 Luminespib (NVP-AUY922) Featured

AUY922 (NVP-AUY922) is a highly potent HSP90 inhibitor for HSP90α/β with IC50 of 13 nM /21 nM, weaker potency against the HSP90 family members GRP94 and TRAP-1, exhibits the tightest binding of any small-molecule HSP90 ligand. Phase 1/2.

DC8253 AV-412(MP-412)

AV-412(MP-412) is a potent dual inhibitor of EGFR and ErbB2(IC50=19 nM) tyrosine kinases, including the mutant EGFR(L858R IC50=0.51 nM, T790M IC50=0.79 nM); inhibits autophosphorylation of EGFR and ErbB2 with IC(50) of 43 and 282 nM, respectively.

DC8799 Avanafil(TA-1790) Featured

Avanafil(TA-1790) is a potent and highly selective phosphodiesterase-5(PDE-5) inhibitor(IC50=5.2 nM) for erectile dysfunction; lower selectivity against PDE1, PDE6, and PDE11.

DC1094 Avasimibe Featured

Avasimibe inhibits ACAT and CYP2C9 with IC50 of 3.3 μM and 2.9 μM, respectively.

DC10009 Avitinib free base Featured

Avitinib is an orally available, irreversible, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutant-selective inhibitor, with potential antineoplastic activity.

DC10008 Avitinib maleate Featured

Avitinib is an orally available, irreversible, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutant-selective inhibitor, with potential antineoplastic activity.

DC5014 AVL-292 Featured

AVL-292 is a covalent, highly selective, orally active small molecule inhibitor of Btk currently being evaluated in a Phase 1b clinical trial in relapsed.

DC11802 AX-024 free base Featured

AX-024 is an cytokine release inhibitor which can strongly inhibit the production of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), interferon-γ (IFN-γ), IL-10 and IL-17A.

DC10545 AX-024 HCl Featured

AX-024 is the first-in-class inhibitor of T cell receptor (TCR); AX-024 is an orally available inhibitor of the TCR-Nck interaction that selectively inhibits TCR-triggered T cell activation (IC50 value 1 nM).

DC7367 AZ-960

AZ 960 is a novel ATP competitive JAK2 inhibitor with IC50 and Ki of <3 nM and 0.45 nM, 3-fold selectivity of AZ960 for JAK2 over JAK3.

DC9309 AZD-0156 Featured

AZD-0156 is an orally bioavailable ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase inhibitor, with potential chemo-/radio-sensitizing and antineoplastic activities.

DC7060 AZD1152 Featured

AZD1152 (barasertib), pro-drug of barasertib-hQPA, is a selective Aurora B kinase inhibitor, AZD1152 inhibited the proliferation various types of human leukemia cells with an IC50 ranging from 3 nM to 40 nM.

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