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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC8497 CC-223 Featured

CC-223 is a potent mTOR kinase inhibitor (IC50=16 nM), with >150-fold sensitivity over the related lipid kinase PI3Kα (IC50=4 μM).

DC7096 CC-401 Featured

CC-401 is a second generation ATP-competitive anthrapyrazolone c-Jun N terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitor with potential antineoplastic activity.

DC7978 Tucidinostat(Chidamide) Featured

Chidamide is a class I HDAC inhibitor with IC50s of 95/160/67/733 nM for HDAC1/2/3/8; also inhibits HDAC10/11(IC50=78/432 nM); no inhibition on HDAC4/5/7/9/6(IC50>30 uM).

DC8116 Tosedostat (CHR2797) Featured

CHR-2797 is an aminopeptidase inhibitor, with IC50 values of 100 nM for LAP3 (LAP), 150 nM for PSAP (PuSA) and 220 nM for CD13 (Aminopeptidase N).

DC10341 CHZ868

CHZ868 is a type II JAK2 inhibitor with an IC50 of 0.17 μM in EPOR JAK2 WT Ba/F3 cell.

DC9799 CNDAC Featured

CNDAC is the active component of sapacitabine.

DC5159 CP-868596 (Crenolanib) Featured

Crenolanib (CP-868596) is a potent and selective inhibitor of PDGFRα/β with Kd of 2.1 nM/3.2 nM, also potently inhibits FLT3, sensitive to D842V mutation not V561D mutation, >100-fold more selective for PDGFR than c-Kit, VEGFR-2, TIE-2, FGFR-2, EGFR, erbB

DC7111 CX-4945 (Silmitasertib) Featured

CX-4945 (Silmitasertib) is a potent and selective ATP-competitive small molecule protein kinase CK2 inhibitor with a Ki and an IC50 of 0.38 and 1 nM for recombinant human CK2α, respectively.

DC7153 CX6258 Featured

CX-6258 is a potent, orally efficacious Pim 1/2/3 kinase(IC50=5 nM/25 nM/16 nM) inhibitor with excellent biochemical potency and kinase selectivity.

DC5134 lexibulin (CYT997)

CYT997 is a potent microtubule polymerization inhibitor with IC50 of 10-100 nM in cancer cell lines. Phase 1/2.

DC4125 PHA-739358 (danusertib) Featured

Danusertib (PHA-739358) is an Aurora inhibitor for Aurora A/B/C, Bcr-Abl, c-RET and FGFR with IC50 of 13 nM/79 nM/61 nM, 25 nM, 31 nM and 47 nM, respectively.

DC2100 Dasatinib (BMS-354825) Featured

Dasatinib (BMS-354825, Sprycel) is a novel, potent and multi-targeted inhibitor that targets Abl, Src and c-Kit, with IC50 of <1 nM, 0.5 nM and 79 nM, respectively.

DC5041 DCC-2036 (Rebastinib) Featured

DCC-2036 is a conformational control Bcr-Abl inhibitor for Abl1(WT) and Abl1(T315I) with IC50 of 0.8 nM and 4 nM, also inhibits SRC, LYN, FGR, HCK, KDR, FLT3, and Tie-2, and low activity to seen towards c-Kit. Phase 1/2.

DC10413 DDP-38003 dihydrochloride

DDP-38003 dihydrochloride is an novel, orally available inhibitor of histone lysine-specific demethylase 1A (KDM1A/LSD1) with an IC50 of 84 nM.

DC8481 Delanzomib(CEP-18770) Featured

Delanzomib(CEP-18770) is a novel orally-active inhibitor of the chymotrypsin-like activity of the proteasome that down-modulates the nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activity.

DC7114 Dinaciclib (SCH727965) Featured

Dinaciclib (SCH727965) is a novel and potent CDK inhibitor for CDK2, CDK5, CDK1 and CDK9 with IC50 of 1 nM, 1 nM, 3 nM and 4 nM, respectively.

DC4157 Dovitinib (TKI258, CHIR258) Featured

Dovitinib (TKI258, CHIR258) is a novel multi-target inhibitor for Flt3, c-Kit, FGFR1/3, VEGFR1/2/3, PDGFRα/β with IC50 of 1 nM, 2 nM, 8 nM/9 nM and 10 nM/13 nM/8 nM, 210 nM/27 nM respectively.

DC10313 Dovitinib lactate

Dovitinib(CHIR-258; TKI258) lactate is a potent inhibitor of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) with an IC50 of 5 nM.

DC11726 DS-3032b Featured

DS-3032b is a potent, selective, orally available MDM2-p53 inhibitor with potential antineoplastic activity.

DC9755 eFT508(Tomivosertib) Featured

Tomivosertib (eFT-508) is a potent and selective MNK1/2 inhibitor with IC50s of 2.4 nM and 1 nM, respectively. It potentially results in decreased tumor cell proliferation and tumor growth. Tomivosertib (eFT-508) inhibits eIF4E phosphorylation and dramatically downregulates PD-L1 protein abundance.

DC5057 Enzastaurin (LY317615) Featured

Enzastaurin (LY317615) is a potent PKCβ selective inhibitor with IC50 of 6 nM, 6- to 20-fold selectivity against PKCα, PKCγ and PKCε. Phase 3.

DC7927 EPZ011989 Featured

EPZ011989 is a potent, orally-available EZH2 Inhibitor.

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