Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC10557 ML402 Featured

ML402 is a selective TREK-1 activator.

DC9341 Naspm Featured

Naspm(1-Naphthylacetyl spermine) is a potent and selective Ca2+ permeable AMPA receptor(Ca-perm AMPAR) blocker. IC50 value: Target: CP-AMPAR blocker Naspm is a selective blocker of Ca(2+)-permeable GluA2-lacking AMPA receptors, reduced MNNG-induced CA1

DC8666 Nav1.7-IN-2

Nav1.7-IN-2 is an inhibitor of voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav), in particular Nav 1.7, with IC50 of 80 nM.

DC11406 NBQX Featured

NBQX is a potent aminomethylphosphonic acid receptor (AMPAR) antagonist with an IC50 of 0.7 ± 0.1 μM.

DCAPI1574 Nefiracetam

Nefiracetam is a nootropic of the racetam family. Nefiracetam is cognitive enhancer with an IC50 of approximately 150–200 μM for Ro 5-4864. This compound activates L/N-type calcium channels, cholinergic, monoaminergic and GABAergic systems. Nefiracetam di

DC11247 Nelonicline Featured

Nelonicline (ABT-126) is a potent, selective α7 nicotinic receptor (nAChR) partial agonist for the treatment of cognitive impairment with schizophrenia..

DC9796 Nicainoprolhe(Nicainoprol) Featured

Nicainoprolhe is an antiarrhythmic agent,a fast-sodiumchannel blocking drug (class Ib), also protected isolated rat hearts against reperfusion arrhythmias.

DC9170 Nicardipine hydrochloride

Nicardipine Hcl(YC-93) is a calcium channel blocker that has been widely used to control blood pressure in severe hypertension following events such as ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, and intracerebral hemorrhage.

DC8969 Nicorandil

Nicorandil is potassium channel activator.

DC9131 Nimodipine

Nimodipine(Nimotop) is a dihydropyridine derivative and an analogue of the calcium channel blocker nifedipine, with antihypertensive activity.Nimodipine decreases intracellular free Ca2+,Beclin-1 and autophagy.

DC9108 Nisoldipine

Nisoldipine(BAY-k 5552; Sular) is a calcium channel blocker belonging to the dihydropyridines class, specific for L-type Cav1.2 with IC50 of 10 nM.

DC8789 NS 11021 Featured

NS 11021 is an activator of large-conductance Ca2+-activated potassium channels (BKCa, KCa1.1).

DC8083 NS11394 Featured

NS11394 possesses a functional efficacy selectivity profile of alpha(5) > alpha(3) > alpha(2) > alpha(1) at GABA(A) alpha subunit-containing receptors.

DC9734 NS-1619 Featured

NS-1619 is a selective MaxiKα (large conductance calcium activated potassium channel) activator.

DC6910 NS-1643 Featured

NS1643 is a potent human ether-a-go-go related gene (hERG) KV11.1 channel activator (EC50 = 10.5 μM).

DC7833 NS309 Featured

NS309 is a positive modulator of small- and intermediate- conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels (KCa2 and KCa3.1 channels); increases Ca2+ sensitivity. Displays no activity at BK channels.

DC8269 NS6180 Featured

NS6180 is a novel inhibitor of the intermediate-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (KCa3.1)

DC9856 NS638 Featured

NS638 is a Ca(2+)-channel blocker.

DC7576 NVP-AAM077 Featured

NVP-AAM077 is a potent antagonist for NMDA receptors.

DC11382 NYX-2925 Featured

NYX-2925 is a Novel NMDA Receptor-Specific Spirocyclic-β-Lactam That Modulates Synaptic Plasticity Processes Associated with Learning and Memory.

DC11096 Olacaftor

Olacaftor (VX-440, VX440) is a next-generation CFTR corrector, showsthe potential to enhance the amount of CFTR protein at the cell’s surface and for treatment of cystic fibrosis..

DC11267 ONO-8590580 Featured

ONO-8590580 is a Novel GABAAα5 Negative Allosteric Modulator Enhances Long-Term Potentiation and Improves Cognitive Deficits in Preclinical Models.

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