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DC22009 AZD5718 Featured

AZD5718 (AZD-5718, AZD 5718) is a novel potent 5-lipoxygenase activating protein (FLAP) inhibitor with binding IC50 of 6.3 nM; exhibits LTB4 inhibition in human whole blood assays with IC50 of 39 nM; reduce the production of pro-inflammatory and vasoactive leukotrienes both in vitro and in vivo.

DC1069 AZD6244 (Selumetinib,ARRY-142886) Featured

AZD6244 (Selumetinib, ARRY-142886) is highly potent to inhibit MEK1 with IC50 of 14 nM.

DC8004 AZD6482 Featured

AZD6482 is a PI3Kβ inhibitor with IC50 of 10 nM, 8-, 87- and 109-fold more selective to PI3Kβ than PI3Kδ, PI3Kα and PI3Kγ.

DC8468 AZD-6738 Featured

AZD6738 is an orally active, and selective ATR kinase inhibitor with IC50 of 1 nM. Phase 1/2.

DC20731 AZD-7325 Featured

AZD-7325 is a potent, α2/3 functionally selective, partial GABAA receptor modulator with pKi of 9.51.

DC12490 AZD7507 Featured

AZD7507 (AZD-7507) is a potent, selective, orally available CSF-1R (c-FMS) with IC50 of 32 nM.

DC8837 AZD-7547 Featured

AZD7545 is a novel, selective small-molecule inhibitor of PDHK2 (PDH kinase2) with an IC50 of 36.8 nM and 6.4 nM for PDHK1 and PDHK2 respectively.

DC20714 AZD-7594 Featured

AZD-7594 (AZ-13189620) is a potent, nonsteroidal, selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator (SGRM) with binding IC50 of 0.9 nM, shows no affinity for AR, PR, MR and ERα/β.

DC20242 AZD-7624 Featured

AZD-7624 a potent, selective, inhaled p38α MAPK inhibitor for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

DC20278 AZD-7648 Featured

AZD-7648 is a potent and selective DNA-PK inhibitor. Anti-tumour activity.

DC7076 AZD-7762 Featured

AZD7762 is a potent and selective inhibitor of Chk1 with IC50 of 5 nM; equally potent against Chk2 and less potent against CAM, Yes, Fyn, Lyn, Hck and Lck.

DC11723 AZD-7986(Brensocatib) Featured

AZD-7986(Brensocatib) is a highly potent, reversible, and selective DPP1 inhibitor with enzyme and cell pIC50 of 8.4.

DC5084 AZD-8055 Featured

AZD-8055 is a potent, selective, and orally bioavailable ATP-competitive mTOR kinase inhibitor with an IC50 of 0.8 nM.

DC8380 AZD8186 Featured

AZD8186 is an inhibitor of the beta isoform of phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K), with potential antineoplastic activity.

DC7077 AZD8330(ARRY-424704; ARRY-704) Featured

AZD8330(ARRY-424704; ARRY-704) is a novel, selective, non-ATP competitive MEK 1/2 inhibitor with IC50 of 7 nM.

DC23437 AZD-8529 Featured

AZD8529 is a novel potent, selective mGluR2 positive allosteric modulator with EC50 of 195 nM, does not produce any positive allosteric modulator responses for mGluR1 and 3-8 subtypes.

DC23408 AZD-8529 mesylate Featured

AZD8529 is a novel potent, selective mGluR2 positive allosteric modulator with EC50 of 195 nM, does not produce any positive allosteric modulator responses for mGluR1 and 3-8 subtypes.

DC10202 AZD8797 Featured

AZD8797 is an allosteric non-competitive modulator of the human CX3CR1 receptor; antagonizes CX3CL1 with IC50 values of 6 and 300 nM in B-lymphocyte cell line and human whole blood, respectively.

DC9879 AZD8835 Featured

AZD8835 ia a novel mixed inhibitor of PI3Kα and PI3Kδ with IC50 of 6.2 nM and 5.7 nM, respectively, also with selectivity against PI3Kβ (IC50=431 nM) and PI3Kγ (IC50=90 nM).

DC7006 AZD-9291(Osimertinib) Featured

AZD-9291 is a potent and selective mutated forms EGFR inhibitor(Exon 19 deletion EGFR IC50=12.92 nM, L858R/T790M EGFR IC50= 11.44 nM, wild type EGFR IC50= 493.8 nM).

DC8462 AZD-9291 mesylate (Osimertinib,Mereletinib) Featured

AZD-9291 is a potent and selective mutated forms EGFR inhibitor(Exon 19 deletion EGFR IC50=12.92 nM, L858R/T790M EGFR IC50= 11.44 nM, wild type EGFR IC50= 493.8 nM).

DC9268 AZD9496 Featured

AZD9496 is a potent and orally bioavailable selective estrogen receptor downregulator(Ki=0.7 nM) and antagonist.

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