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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC1094 Avasimibe Featured

Avasimibe inhibits ACAT and CYP2C9 with IC50 of 3.3 μM and 2.9 μM, respectively.

DC10732 Anavex-2-73 free base (Blarcamesine) Featured

AVex-73 is a muscarinic M1 agonist potentially for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

DC8351 Avibactam sodium Featured

Avibactam sodium(NXL-104) is a non-β-lactam β-lactamase inhibitor antibiotic.

DC10009 Avitinib free base Featured

Avitinib is an orally available, irreversible, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutant-selective inhibitor, with potential antineoplastic activity.

DC10008 Avitinib maleate Featured

Avitinib is an orally available, irreversible, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutant-selective inhibitor, with potential antineoplastic activity.

DC24068 AVL-292 besylate Featured

AVL-292 besylate (Spebrutinib, CC-292) is a highly selective, covalent Btk inhibitor with IC50 of <1 nM.

DC5014 AVL-292 Featured

AVL-292 is a covalent, highly selective, orally active small molecule inhibitor of Btk currently being evaluated in a Phase 1b clinical trial in relapsed.

DC11399 AVN-492 Featured

AVN-492 is a very specific and highly-selective antagonist with picomolar affinity to 5-HT6R (Ki=91 pM).

DC8565 AVN944 Featured

AVN-944(VX-944) is a selective, noncompetitive inhibitor of the enzyme directed against human IMPDH with Ki of 6-10 nM for IMPDH1/IMPDH2.

DC26015 Deudextromethorphan Featured

AVP-786 is a novel, next-generation investigational drug product consisting of a combination of deudextromethorphan, and an ultra-low dose of quinidine.

DC7071 AWD 131-138(Imepitoin) Featured

AWD 131-138(Imepitoin) is a new low-affinity partial benzodiazepine receptor agonist with potent anticonvulsant and anxiolytic properties in rodent models.

DC20243 AWZ1066S Featured

AWZ1066S is a highly specific anti-Wolbachia drug candidate for a short-course treatment of filariasis.

DC11802 AX-024 free base Featured

AX-024 is an cytokine release inhibitor which can strongly inhibit the production of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), interferon-γ (IFN-γ), IL-10 and IL-17A.

DC10545 AX-024 HCl Featured

AX-024 is the first-in-class inhibitor of T cell receptor (TCR); AX-024 is an orally available inhibitor of the TCR-Nck interaction that selectively inhibits TCR-triggered T cell activation (IC50 value 1 nM).

DC10649 AX15836 Featured

AX15836 is a highly potent and selective ERK5 inhibitor.

DC10412 AX20017 Featured

AX20017 is a small-molecule protein kinase G (PknG) inhibitor with an IC50 of 0.39 μM.

DCAPI1524 Axitinib Featured

Axitinib is a non-selective receptor kinase inhibitor of Flt and Flk proteins. This compound also inhibits VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2, VEGFR-3, PDGFR-β and c-KIT with IC50 of 0.1 nM, 0.2 nM, 0.1-0.3 nM, 1.6 nM and 1.7 nM, respectively. Axitinib is studied as an ant

DC23895 AY-9944 Featured

AY 9944 is a specific cholesterol biosynthesis inhibitor. AY 9944 inhibits the 7-dehydro cholesterol Δ7-reductase (DHCR7) enzyme (IC50=13 nM). AY 9944 causes hypocholesterolemia and accumulation of 7DHC. At high doses, AY 9944 inhibits also in cultured embryos sterol Δ7-Δ8 isomerase, which causes the accumulation of cholest-8-en-3β-ol.

DC11371 AY-NH2 Featured

AY-NH2 is a peptide agonist of proteinase-activated receptor 4 (PAR4) that induces aggregation of rat and human platelets in vitro (EC50s = 15 and 60 μM, respectively).

DC20711 AZ10606120 dihydrochloride Featured

AZ10606120 is a potent, specific P2X7 receptor antagonist with Kd of 1.4 and 19 nM at human and rat P2X7 receptors respectively.

DC7746 AZ191 Featured

AZ191 is a potent and selective DYRK1B inhibitor with IC50 of 17 nM, about 5- and 110-fold selectivity over DYRK1A and DYRK2, respectively.

DC7906 AZ20 Featured

AZ20 is a novel potent and selective inhibitor of ATR kinase with IC50 of 5 nM, 8-fold selectivity over mTOR.

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