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DC66290 DSPE-PEG-Mannose Featured

DSPE (1,2-distearoyl-sn glycerol-3-phosphoethanolamine) is a saturated 18C phospholipid commonly used in liposome synthesis. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) conjugated DSPE has hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity, and can be used for drug delivery, gene transfection, and biomolecular modification. DSPE-PEG-Manose can be applied in medical research, drug release, nanotechnology and new material research, and cell culture. As well as ligand research, peptide synthesis support, grafting of polymer compounds, new materials, and polyethylene glycol modified functional coatings and other active compounds.

DC66291 DSPE-PEG-OPSS Featured

DSPE-PEG-OPSS, DSPE (1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphoethanolamine) is a saturated 18 carbon phospholipid, commonly used in the synthesis of liposomes. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) - coupled DSPE is hydrophilic and can be used for drug delivery, gene transfection and biomolecular modification. The PEG of phospholipid significantly improved the blood circulation time and stability of the capsule drug. Polyethylene glycol can enhance the solubility and stability, reduce the non-specific binding of charged molecules on the surface, and reduce the immunogenicity of polypeptides. Mercaptopyridine reacts with mercapto group to release pyridine ring and generate stable disulfide bond.

DC66292 DSPE-PEG-NPC Featured

DSPE-PEG-NPC is a linear heterobifunctional polyglycolation reagent containing DSPE phospholipids and NPC groups. It is a useful self-assembly reagent for preparing PEGylated liposomes or micelles, and also provides a combination of NPC group and thiol containing molecules.

DC66293 DSPE-PEG-N3 Featured

DSPE-PEG-N3 is a click chemical PEG reagent. Azide group is easy to react with alkynyl group under the catalysis of copper catalyst. It can also react directly with DBCO without any catalyst. DSPE (1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphoethanolamine) is a saturated 18 carbon phospholipid, which is commonly used in the synthesis of liposomes. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) - coupled DSPE is hydrophilic and can be used for drug delivery, gene transfection and biomolecular modification. The PEG of phospholipid significantly improved the blood circulation time and stability of the capsule drug. Polyethylene glycol can enhance the solubility and stability, reduce the non-specific binding of charged molecules on the surface, and reduce the immunogenicity of polypeptides. Azide (- N3) can react with copper catalyzed alkynes in aqueous solution and be reduced to amino groups. Polyethylene glycol can increase solubility and stability. It can also inhibit the nonspecific binding of charged molecules on the modified surface.

DC66294 DSPE-PEG-NBD Featured

DSPE-PEG-NBD is a fluorescent phospholipid PEG conjugate, which can be used as a lipid membrane probe. The excitation/emission wavelength of NBD is 460 nm/534 nm.

DC66295 DSPE-PEG-CY7 Featured

Polyethylene glycol phospholipid is an excellent material to form liposomes, which can be used for gene transfection, vaccine delivery, drug transportation, and targeted drug delivery. Phospholipids are hydrophobic and hydrophilic. It can be used to modify protein drugs, peptide compounds, organic small molecule drugs, biological materials, etc. Cy7 labeled PEG derivatives are used for fluorescence tracing or fluorescence observation.

DC66296 DSPE-PEG-Alkyne Featured

The phospholipid polyethylene glycol alkyne (DSPE PEG Alkyne) can be used to modify proteins, peptides and other materials or small molecules. Alkynyl (- ALK) can react with copper catalyzed azide in aqueous solution. 2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine (DSPE) conjugated polyethylene glycol is a combination of phospholipid and polyethylene glycol with hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity. Polyethylene glycol phospholipid liposomes form high-quality materials, which can be used for drug delivery, gene transfection and vaccine delivery. PEGylated phospholipid can significantly improve blood circulation time and stabilize drug encapsulation. These materials can also be used for targeted drug delivery by modifying ligands with target surfaces such as antibodies and peptides.

DC66297 DSPE Featured

DSPE is a phosphoethanolamine (PE) lipid that can be used in the synthesis of liposomes.

DC66298 DSPE-PEG-Cy5 Featured

The molecules can be labeled in the aqueous phase without organic solvents. Therefore, the product is especially suitable for labeling proteins that are easily denatured in the organic phase and proteins with low solubility. Polyethylene glycol phospholipid liposomes form high-quality materials, which can be used for drug delivery, gene transfection and vaccine delivery. Pegylated phospholipids can significantly improve blood circulation time and stabilize drug encapsulation. These materials can also be used for targeted drug delivery by modifying surface ligands such as antibodies and peptides. (DSPE) conjugated polyethylene glycol is a combination of phospholipids and polyethylene glycol, which has hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity. These materials can also be used for targeted drug delivery by modifying ligands with target surfaces, such as antibodies and peptides. Cyanogen dye cyanine is often used in biomolecular labeling, fluorescence imaging and other fluorescent biological analysis. Cy5 (sulfo-cyanine5) is a reactive dye used to label amino groups of peptides, proteins and oligonucleotides. Excitation wavelength (nm): 649, emission wavelength (nm): 670.

DC66299 DSPE-PEG-Cy5.5 Featured

DC66300 ZM-306416 HCI Featured

DC66301 WHI-P97 HCl Featured

DC66302 PKC-theta inhibitor hcl Featured

PKCθ inhibitor is an inhibitor of PKCθ.

DC66303 STING-IN-3 Featured

STING-IN-3 is an inhibitor of stimulator of interferon genes (STING). STING-IN-3 efficiently inhibits both hsSTING and mmSTING through covalently target the predicted transmembrane cysteine residue 91 and thereby block the activation-induced palmitoylation of STING.

AES-350 AES-350 Featured

AES-350 is a potent and orally active HDAC6 inhibitor with an IC50 and a Ki of 0.0244 μM and 0.035 μM, respectively. AES-350 is also against HDAC3, HDAC8 in an enzymatic activity assay with IC50 values of 0.187 μM and 0.245 μM, respectively. AES-350 triggers apoptosis in AML cells through HDAC inhibition and can be used for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) research.

DC66305 WAY-328133 Featured

useful for the treatment of cystic fibrosis

DC66306 WAY-328182 Featured

restore E-cadherin expression in the SW620 colon adenocarcinoma cell line

DC66307 WAY-328168 Featured

antagonist of the NK3 receptor; altering the lifespan of a eukaryotic organism;

DC66308 WAY-299775 Featured

potential leads for chaperone therapy for Gaucher disease

DC66309 NFATc1-IN-1 Featured

NFATc1-IN-1 (compound A04) is a potent inhibitor of RANKL-induced osteoclast formation, with an IC50 of 1.57 μM. NFATc1-IN-1 shows anti-osteoclastogenic effects through reducing the RANKL-induced nuclear translocation of NFATc1. NFATc1-IN-1 can be used for osteoclastic diseases research.

DC66310 WAY-388798 Featured

DC66311 BRD4 Inhibitor-24 Featured

BRD4 Inhibitor-24 (compound 3U) is a potent BRD4 inhibitor, BRD4 Inhibitor-24 shows antitumor activity against MCF7 and K652 cells, with IC50 values of 33.7 and 45.9 μM, respectively.

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