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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC9679 BAY1217389 Featured

BAY1217389 is an orally bioavailable, selective inhibitor of the serine/threonine kinase monopolar spindle 1 (Mps1, TTK), with potential antineoplastic activity.

DC22013 BAY-1316957 Featured

BAY-1316957 (BAY 1316957) is a highly potent, selective, orally available human prostaglandin E2 receptor subtype 4 (hEP4-R) antagonist with IC50 of 15.3 nM.

DC20751 BAY-1816032 Featured

BAY-1816032 (BAY1816032) is a highly potent, selective, orally active BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase with IC50 of 7 nM, displays excellent selectivity on a panel of 395 kinases.

DC10526 BAY-1895344 HCl(Elimusertib) Featured

BAY-1895344 is a potent and selective ATM inhibitor. BAY 1895344 shows potent anti-tumor efficacy in monotherapy and strong combination potential with the targeted alpha therapy Radium-223 dichloride.

DC26020 BAY2335218(BAY-218) Featured

BAY2335218(BAY-218) is the first-in-class AhR antagonist for overcoming tumor-mediated immunosuppression.

DC12029 BAY-299 Featured

BAY-299 is a potent and selective inhibitor of the bromodomain and PHD finger-containing (BRPF) family protein BRD1 (IC50 = 6 nM).

DC10978 BAY-3827 Featured

BAY-3827 (BAY3827) is a potent, selective inhibitor of AMPK as tool compound to evaluate the therapeutic potential of AMPK inhibition in MYC-dependent tumors; strongly inhibits Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation in COLO 320DM and IMR-32 cells, but fails to inhibit the proliferation of cells with dysregulated c-MYC or N-MYC.

DC26010 BAY-545 Featured

BAY-545 is a novel, potent and selective antagonist of A2B adenosine receptor with an IC50 of 59 nM. BAY-545 also exhibits IC50s of 66, 400, 280 nM for human, mouse, rat A2Badenosine receptor in cells, respectively.

DC12653 BAY-598 Featured

BAY-598 is a selective inhibitor of SMYD2.

DC11218 BAY-8002 Featured

BAY-8002 is a novel potent, selective, orally available monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) inhibitor (Kd=7.9 nM).

DC11505 BAY-850 Featured

BAY-850 (BAY 850, BAY850) is a potent, isoform selective, cellularly active ATAD2 bromodomain inhibitor with binding IC50 of 166 nM in TR-FRET assay.

DC10107 BAY-876 Featured

BAY-876 is the first highly selective GLUT1 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.002 uM. show good metabolic stability in vitro and high oral bioavailability in vivo.

DC10057 Bayer-18 Featured

Bayer-18 is a selective TYK2 inhibitor, with an IC50 of 18.7nM on TYK2 as measured by TYK2 HTRF assays.

DC7372 Bazedoxifene-Acetate Featured

Bazedoxifene acetate (TSE 424; WAY-TES 424), a novel selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), has been developed to have favorable effects on bone and the lipid profile while minimizing stimulation of uterine or breast tissues.

DC8922 Bazedoxifene Featured

Bazedoxifene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) currently in development for osteoporosis prevention and treatment.

DC20754 BC-1215 Featured

BC-1215 (BC1215) is a highly unique, selective E3 ligase F box component Fbxo3 inhibitor with IL1β IC50 of 0.9 ug/mL.

DC10885 BCI-121 Featured

BCI-121 is a SMYD3 inhibitor that impairs the proliferation of cancer cell.

DC9826 BCTC Featured

BCTC is a potent and specific inhibitor of transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8 (TRPM8) in prostate cancer (PCa) DU145 cells.

DC8313 BD1047.2HBr Featured

BD 1047 dihydrobromide is a selective antagonist of σ receptors.

DC23499 BD-1047 Featured

BD-1047 is a potent, selecitve Sigma 1 receptor (σ1) antagonist with Ki of 0.93 nM.

DC10280 BD1063 dhydrochloride Featured

BD1063 dhydrochloride is a potent and selective sigma 1 receptor antagonist.

DC9709 BDA-366 Featured

BDA-366 is a Small-Molecule Bcl2 BH4 Antagonist for Lung Cancer Therapy.

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