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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC11531 Teslexivir

A first-in-class, small molecule protein-protein inhibitor of the interaction between the E1 and E2 proteins of HPV types 6 and 11.

DC12012 PD 404182 Featured

PD 404182 is a high affinity inhibitor of KDO 8-P synthase (Ki = 26 nM). Also inhibits dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 (DDAH1). Exhibits antiangiogenic and antiviral activity in vitro. Putative antibiotic against gram-negative bacteria.

DC11861 TAK-441

A highly potent, orally active hedgehog signaling (Hh) inhibitor with IC50 of 4.4 nM in Gli-luc reporter assays.

DC11936 TAK-915

A highly potent, selective, brain-penetrating and orally active phosphodiesterase 2A (PDE2A) inhibitor with IC50 of 0.61 nM.

DC11522 Imarikiren hydrochloride

A highly potent, selective, orally active renin inhibitor with IC50 of 2.1 nM in hPRA assay.

DC11823 BMS-929075

A highly potent, selective, orally bioavailable HCV NS5B polymerase inhibitor with IC50 of 9, 4, and 18 nM for GT1a, GT1b, and GT1b-C316N mutant in HCV replicon assay, respectively.

DC11933 RX 871024

A imidazoline compound that stimulate insulin release by inhibition of ATP-dependent K+ channels and inducing of Ca2+ mobilization in mouse pancreatic beta-cells.

DC11530 Tapinarof (Benvitimod; GSK2894512) Featured

Tapinarof (WBI-1001) is a natural aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonist with an EC50 of 13 nM. Tapinarof resolves skin inflammation in mice.

DCAPI1496 Ambrisentan Featured

A nonpeptide endothelin ETA receptor antagonist. Antihypertensive.

DC11919 Arimoclomol Featured

A nontoxic heat shock protein (HSP) coinducer and potentiator of the heat shock response.

DC11920 Arimoclomol maleate Featured

A nontoxic, orally active heat shock protein (HSP) coinducer and potentiator of the heat shock response.

DC11523 Landipirdine

A novel 5-HT receptor antagonist for the treatment of Parkinson's disease..

DC11929 ME-344

A novel mitochondrial and mTOR inhibitor with potent anti-cancer activity, inhibits leukemia cell lines with IC50 of 70-260 nM.

DC11910 IPL-576092

A novel orally active, anti-inflammatory compound that inhibits leukocyte infiltration and changes in lung function in response to allergen challenge.

DC11811 SCY-078

A novel orally bioavailable fungal beta-1,3-D glucan synthetase inhibitor against Candida species C. glabrata (MIC 0.03 to 0.25 ug/ml), C. parapsilosis (MIC 0.06 to 0.25 ug/ml).

DC11515 Azeloprazole

A novel potent proton pump inhibitor that irreversibly inhibits H+,K+-ATPase activity with IC50 of 0.28 uM.

DC11607 JTZ-951(Enarodustat) Featured

A novel potent, orally active HIF prolyl hydroxylase (PHD) inhibitor with IC50 of 0.22 uM for PHD2.

DC11608 JTZ-951 hydrochloride

A novel potent, orally active HIF prolyl hydroxylase (PHD) inhibitor with IC50 of 0.22 uM for PHD2.

DC11546 Azeloprazole sodium

A novel potent, orally active proton pump inhibitor that irreversibly inhibits H+,K+-ATPase activity with IC50 of 0.28 uM.

DC11854 IDX899

A novel potent, selective HIV non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) with EC50 of 1, 1.3, 2.8 and 11 nM for WT, K103N, Y181C and K103N/Y181C, respectively.

DC11536 Imigliptin dihydrochloride

A novel potent, selective, orally available DPP-4 inhibitor with IC50 of 9 nM.

DC11631 INCB040093

A novel potent, selective, orally available PI3Kδ inhibitor with IC50 of 31 nM.

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