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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC20564 TBBz Featured

A potent, selective and ATP-competitive CK2 inhibitor with Ki of 0.5-1 uM.

DC20309 ANTISAUVAGINE-30 Featured

A potent, selective and competitive corticotropin-releasing factor CRF2 receptor antagonist with Ki of 1.4 nM, 100-fold selectiivity over CRF1.

DC11755 L-732138 Featured

A potent, selective and competitive NK1 receptor antagonist with IC50 of 2.3 nM.

DC21827 XE 991 dihydrochloride Featured

A potent, selective and orally active blocker of voltage-gated potassium channels Kv7 (KCNQ) that blocks KCNQ1, KCNQ2 and KCNQ2+KCNQ3 with Kd of 0.78, 0.7 and 0.6 uM, respectively.

DC23371 NI-42 Featured

NI-42 is a potent, selective and orally active BRPF1 bromodomain inhibitor with IC50 of 7.9 nM, with excellent selectivity over nonclass IV BRDs; weakly inhibits BRPF2 (BRD1), BRPF3, BRD9 and BRD4 (BD1) with IC50 of 48, 260, 310 and 4500 nM respectively, and no activity for ATAD2A/2B (IC50>100 uM); shows a modest (GI50=1-10 uM) and selective inhibition of proliferation of certain cancer lines, particularly those lines exhibiting monocytic lineage differentiation; a novel, structurally orthogonal chemical probe for the BRPFs suitable for cellular and in vivo studies.

DC21689 SR 142948A Featured

A potent, selective and orally active neurotensin receptor antagonist with IC50 of 1.19 nM.

DC23207 JNJ-17203212 Featured

A potent, selective and orally bioavailable TRPV1 receptor antagonist with IC50 of 65 nM and 102 nM for hTRPV1 and rTRPV1, respectively.

DC11511 A-485 Featured

A potent, selective and, cell and in vivo active p300/CBP catalytic inhibitor with IC50 of 9.8/2.6 nM.

DC20602 5F 203 Featured

A potent, selective antitumour agent through activation the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway.

DC20658 AM1241 Featured

A potent, selective cannabinoid receptor CB2 agonist with Ki of 7.1 nM, >80-fold selectivity over CB1 receptors in radioligand binding assay.

DC22917 SCH 79797 dihydrochloride Featured

A potent, selective competitive and nonpeptide PAR-1 antagonist with IC50 of 70 nM.

DC11866 AZD 3147 Featured

A potent, selective dual mTORC1 and mTORC2 inhibitor with enzyme IC50 of 1.5 nM.

DC11617 PU-H54 Featured

PU-H54 is potent, selective Grp94 inhibitor.

DC22946 ML-T531 Featured

ML-T531 is a potent, selective hERG potassium channel (Kv11.1) activator with EC50 of 3.13 uM.

DC22966 ABH hydrochloride Featured

A potent, selective human Arginase inhibitor with Ki of 0.25 uM (pH=7.5), 8.5 nM (pH=9.5) for type II arginase.

DC11857 BAY-8040 (R) Featured

Bay-8040 is a potent, selective human neutrophil elastase (HNE) inhibitor with IC50 of 28 nM; displays no significant inhibition toward 68 other pharmacologically relevant targets (>10 uM), and a panel of related serine proteases; shows in vivo efficacy with regard to decreasing cardiac remodeling and amelioration of cardiac function in monocrotaline-induced rat model for pulmonary arterial hypertension.

DC11706 R-10015 Featured

A potent, selective inhibitor of human LIMK1 with IC50 of 38 nM .

DC23189 CL-82198 Featured

CL-82198 is a selective inhibitor of MMP-13. CL-82198 binds to the entire S1’ pocket of MMP-13, which is the basis for its selectivity towards MMP-13 and the lack of inhibitory activities against other MMPs. CL-82198 is a pharmacologic treatment for preventing osteoarthritis (OA) progression.

DC22625 Rolipram Featured

A potent, selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterases PDE4 with IC50 of 3 nM, 130 nM and 240 nM for PDE4A, PDE4B, and PDE4D, respectively.

DC11507 CLP257 Featured

CLP257 (CLP-257) is a potent, selective K+-Cl- cotransporter KCC2 activator with EC50 of 616 nM; displays selectivity for KCC2 over other KCC family members, NKCC1 and GABAA receptors, and a panel of 55 other receptors; restores impaired Cl(-) transport i

DC11503 KDOAM-25 Featured

A potent, selective KDM5 sub-family(JARID1) inhibitor with biochemical IC50 of 71/19/69/69 nM for KDM5A/B/C/D, respectively.

DC11650 Ro5-4864 Featured

A potent, selective ligand for the mitochondrial translocator protein 18kDa (TSPO/PBR).

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