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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC22626 Bambuterol

A long acting beta-adrenoceptor agonist (LABA) used in the treatment of asthma.

DC20991 Etacrynic acid

A loop diuretic used to treat high blood pressure and the swelling, a novel ligand and inhibitor of MAP2K6 kinase that inhibits MAP2K6 in part through alkylation of a nonconserved cysteine residue.

DC11646 ML67-33 Featured

A low micromolar (EC50=9.7 uM, K2P2.1), selective activator of temperature- and mechano-sensitive K2P potassium channels.

DC22825 Azathramycin

A macrolide antibiotic that effectively inhibits tumor angiogenesis by suppressing VEGFR2-mediated signaling pathways in lung cancer.

DC21367 NC1153

A Mannich base compound, selective and orally active JAK3 inhibitor that blocks IL-2-induced activation of JAK3 and downstream substrates STAT5a/b.

DC11718 Debromohymenialdisine

A marine sponge alkaloid that inhibits Chk1 and Chk2 with IC50 of 3 and 3.5 uM, respectively.

DC25020 Seriniquinone

A melanoma-selective anticancer agent (IC50=30 nM, Malme-3M cell line), induces cell death by autophagocytosis, targeting the cancer-protective protein dermcidin.

DC24056 Agomelatine hydrochloride Featured

A melatonin receptor agonist of MT1 (Ki=0.1nM) and MT2 (Ki=0.12nM), and a 5-HT2C (Ki=631nM) receptor antagonist.

DC24055 Agomelatine L(+)-Tartaric acid Featured

A melatonin receptor agonist of MT1 (Ki=0.1nM) and MT2 (Ki=0.12nM), and a 5-HT2C (Ki=631nM) receptor antagonist.

DC11502 2-APB

A membrane permeable IP3 receptor antagonist and broad TRP channels (TRPC5, TRPM2) blcoker.

DC26095 QX 314 chloride Featured

A membrane-impermeable sodium channel blocker, blocks sodium current in voltage-clamped nociceptive DRG neurons.

DC22354 O-Desmorpholinopropyl Gefitinib

A metabolite of Gefitinib, which is a potent inhibitor of tyrosine phosporylation in EGFR..

DC22914 ST-4206

A metabolite of ST1535, which is potent, selective A2A adenosine receptor antagonist with Ki of 6.6 nM..

DC22824 Endoxifen hydrochloride

A metabolite of tamoxifen, orally active non-steroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) for the treatment of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer..

DC23973 F16 Featured

A mitochondriotoxic small molecule that selectively inhibits proliferation of mammary epithelial, neu-overexpressing cells, as well as a variety of mouse mammary tumor and human breast cancer cell lines.

DC7289 Imiloxan

A moderately potent, but highly selective α2-adrenoceptor antagonist, the only reported selective antagonist at the α2B-adrenoceptor not having potent α1-adrenoceptor antagonist activity.

DC23225 Dronedarone

A multichannel blocker agent that has antiarrhythmic activity.

DC21008 Fumonisin B1

A mycotoxin produced from F. moniliforme, and an inhibitor of ceramide synthase (sphingosine N-acyltransferase/CerS).

DC23641 AMG 747

A nanomolar potent, selective, and orally bioavailable glycine transporter type-1 (GlyT1) inhibitor for the treatment of negative symptoms associated with schizophrenia.

DC11530 Tapinarof (Benvitimod; GSK2894512) Featured

Tapinarof (WBI-1001) is a natural aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonist with an EC50 of 13 nM. Tapinarof resolves skin inflammation in mice.

DC11658 Diptoindonesin G Featured

Dip G is a natural compound, novel chemical probe reciprocally stabilizes ERβ and destabilizes ERα in breast cancer cells; targets CHIP ubiquitin E3 ligase to modulate ER protein stability, enhances the transcription and anti-proliferative activities of ERβ, while attenuating the transcription and proliferative effects of ERα; the first small molecule that can restore the balance of ERα and ERβ.

DC24167 Bergaptol

A natural furanocoumarin that is found to be a potent inhibitor of debenzylation activity of CYP3A4 enzyme with IC50 of 24.92 uM.

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