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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC20928 CRT0066101 Featured

A potent, specific, orally active pan-PKD (protein kinase D) inhibitor with biochemical IC50 of 1, 2.5 and 2 nM for PKD1, 2, and 3 respectively.

DC22540 Pasireotide Featured

Pasireotide (SOM230), a long-acting cyclohexapeptide somatostatin analogue, can improve agonist activity at somatostatin receptors (subtypes sst1/2/3/4/5, pKi=8.2/9.0/9.1/<7.0/9.9, respectively). Pasireotide can suppress GH, IGF-I and ACTH secretion, indicating potential efficacy in acromegaly and Cushing's disease. Pasireotide also exhibits antisecretory, antiproliferative, and proapoptotic activity. At equivalent molar concentrations, both the salt and free forms of a compound exhibit comparable biological activity. Nevertheless, the salt form (Pasireotide acetate) usually boasts enhanced water solubility and stability.

DC22939 NS3861 fumarate Featured

NS3861 fumarate is an agonist of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and binds with high affinity to heteromeric α3β4 nAChR. The binding Ki values of 0.62, 25, 7.8, 55 nM for α3β4, α3β2, α4β4, α4β2, respectively.

DC23938 Esomeprazole sodium Featured

A proton pump inhibitor that reduces stomach acid secretion by inhibition of the H+/K+-ATPase in the parietal cells.

DC11545 IPAG Featured

IPAG is a prototypic selective inhibitor of sigma1 receptor that engages the unfolded protein response and induces autophagy in cancer cells.

DC23004 PSMA-ligand-1 Featured

A PSMA (prostate-​specific membrane antigen) ligand-​tubulysin compound..

DC22348 Zalcitabine Featured

A pyrimidine analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) for the treatment of HIV/AIDS.

DC7054 AM580 Featured

A retinoic acid analog and selective RARα agonist

DC23943 K-7174 dihydrochloride Featured

K-7174 dihydrochloride is a selctive small molecule inhibitor of the transcription factor GATA-binding protein 2 (GATA2).

DC23996 Capadenoson Featured

Capadenoson is a selective agonist of adenosine-A1 receptor.

DC22954 MG-624 Featured

MG624 is a potent and selective neuronal α7 nAChR antagonist with a Ki of 106 nM.

DC21853 Ogerin Featured

A selective GPR68 positive allosteric modulator (pEC50=6.83) with minimal PAM activity at the related proton-sensing GPCRs GPR4 and GPR65.

DC26069 SR-11237 Featured

SR-11237 is a selective pan retinoid X receptor (RXR) agonist with no retinoid A receptor (RAR) activity. .

DC12013 NSC45586 Featured

A selective protein phosphatase PHLPP inhibitor with IC50 of 4 uM for PP2C domain of PHLPP2.

DC20306 AMTB hydrochloride Featured

A selective TRPM8 channel blocker with pEC50 of 6.91 in Ca(2+) influx assay, with no activity for TRPV4 (pEC50<4.6).

DC7029 SC-26196 Featured

A selective Δ6 desaturase inhibitor that displays selectivity over Δ5 and Δ9 desaturases

DCAPI1468 Rosuvastatin Calcium Featured

A selective, competitive inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase, that is also antilipemic.

DC23981 BCX-1470 methanesulfonate Featured

A serine protease inhibitor that inhibits the esterolytic activity of factor D (IC50=96 nM) and C1s (IC50=1.6 nM).

DC25021 Endosidin-2 Featured

A small molecule binds to the EXO70 (exocyst component of 70 kDa) subunit of the exocyst complex (Kd=253 uM), resulting in inhibition of exocytosis and endosomal recycling in both plant and human cells and enhancement of plant vacuolar trafficking..

DC9867 prostaglandin D2(PGD2) inhibitor Featured

A small molecule compound of prostaglandin D2(PGD2) inhibitor.

DC12003 Corr4A Featured

A small molecule corrector of ΔF508-CFTR with IC50 of 6.0 uM..

DC22843 DDX3-IN-16d Featured

A small molecule inhibitor (IC50=0.3 uM) of DEAD-box polypeptide 3 (DDX3), a human host factor required for the replication of several DNA and RNA viruses.

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