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DC10689 4P-PDOT Featured

4P-PDOT, also known as 4-phenyl-2- propionamidotetralin, is a MT2-receptor-specific antagonist. MT2 melatonin receptor may be a novel target for analgesic drug development.

DC7592 4SC-202 Featured

4SC-202 is an orally bioavailable benzamide and inhibitor of human class I histone deacetylases (HDACs) isoenzymes 1, 2 and 3, with potential antineoplastic activity. HDAC inhibitor 4SC-202 selectively binds to and inhibits class I HDACs leading to an acc

DC10037 4μ8C Featured

4μ8C is a potent and selective IRE1 Rnase inhibitor with IC50 of 76 nM.

DC10877 5,3-AB-CHMFUPPYCA Featured

5,3-AB-CHMFUPPYCA is an analytical reference standard that is structurally classified as a synthetic cannabinoid.

DCAPI1525 5-Azacytidine Featured

5-Azacytidine is a potent growth inhibitor and a cytotoxic agent. 5-Azacytidine acts as a demethylating agent by inhibiting DNA methyltransferase (Dnmt), forming covalent adducts with cellular DNMT1 depleting enzyme activity. 5-Azacytidine also improves t

DC9371 5-FAM SE Featured

5-FAM SE is a single isomer, it is one of the most popular green fluorescent reagents used for labeling peptides, proteins and nucleotides.

DC12703 5-Formyl-2-pyrimidinecarbonitrile Featured

5-Formyl-2-pyrimidinecarbonitrile is a chemical intermidate..

DC7494 SB-242084 HCl Featured

5-HT2C receptor antagonist that displays 158- and 100-fold selectivity over 5-HT2A and 5-HT2Breceptors respectively. Also displays selectivity over a range of other 5-HT, dopamine and adrenergic receptors. Brain penetrant; exerts anxiolytic-like activity.


5-Iodotubercidin (Itu) has been shown to inhibit mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK2) (Ki = 525 nM), adenosine kinase (ADK) (Ki = 30 nM), casein kinases 1 & 2 (CSNK1A1 & CSNK2A1), protein kinase A (PKA) and insulin receptor kinase (IC50 ranging from 0.

DC7604 FAI (5S rRNA modificator) Featured

5S rRNA modificator is a suitable electrophile for 2’-hydroxyl acylation on structured RNA molecules, yielding accurate structural information comparable to that obtained with existing probes; 5S rRNA RNA modification.

DC10187 666-15 Featured

666-15 is a potent and selective CREB inhibitor with an IC50 of 81 nM.

DC9372 6-FAM SE Featured

6-FAM SE is another isomer of carboxyfluorescein.

DC7736 6H05 Featured

6H05 is a selective, and allosteric inhibitor of oncogenic K-Ras(G12C).

DC20297 6-Hydroxy-DL-DOPA Featured

6-Hydroxy-DL-DOPA is a small-molecule that disrupts with RAD52 oligomerization, inhibits ssDNA binding by RAD52 with IC50 of 1.1 uM and by RAD52 (1 209) with IC50 of 1.6 uM.

DC10854 6-MITC Featured

6-MITC is an inhibitor of viability of both PANC-1 and BxPC-3 cells. It also acts as an inhibitor of the expression of CSC signaling molecule SOX2.

DC7925 GTPL-5846 (6-OAU) Featured

6-OAU(GTPL5846; 6-n-octylaminouracil) is a surrogate agonist of GPR84; activates human GPR84 in the presence of Gqi5 chimera in HEK293 cells with an EC50 of 105 nM in the PI assay.

DC8953 6-TG/Thioguanine Featured

6-Thioguanine(6-TG) belongs to the thiopurine family of drugs that also include mercaptopurine and azathioprine, which are examples of antimetabolites; it is a purine analogue of the nucleobase guanine.

DC7876 7ACC2 Featured

7ACC2 is a new potent MCT inhibitor with IC50 of 11 nM for inhibition of [14C]-lactate influx; new antitumor treatment targeting lactate transport in cancer cells.

DC10855 7-Epi 10-Desacetyl Paclitaxel Featured

7-Epi 10-Desacetyl Paclitaxel is a paclitaxel impurity. The compound, originally isolated from Taxus yunnanensis, has shown potential growth inhibitory activities against human cancer cells.

DC10856 7-Epipaclitaxel Featured

7-epi-Taxol is a paclitaxel binds to tubulin, interfering with the normal function of microtubule.

DC8388 8-Bromo-cAMP Featured

8-Bromo-cAMP is a cell perbeable cyclic AMP (cAMP) analog and a PKA activator.

DC26033 8-Hydroxy-efavirenz Featured

8-Hydroxy-efavirenz is the primary metabolite of the antiretroviral drug Efavirenz, stimulates the glycolytic flux in cultured rat astrocytes.

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