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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC10537 8-OH-DPAT Featured

8-OH-DPAT is a research chemical of the aminotetralin chemical class and has been widely used to study the function of the 5-HT1A receptor.

DC9628 A 419259 (trihydrochloride) Featured

A 419259 3Hcl is an apoptosis inducing agent that inhibits Src family kinases (c-Src).

DC8020 A77-01 Featured

A 77-01 is a potent inhibitor of TGF-β type I receptor superfamily activin-like kinase ALK5 with IC50 of 25 nM.

DC7038 A 922500 Featured

A 922500 is a potent, selective, and orally bioavailable DGAT-1 inhibitor with IC50 values of 7 nM and 24 nM for human and mouse DGAT-1 respectively.

DC22873 TM2 115 Featured

A BIX-01294 derivative that inhibit malaria parasite histone methyltransferases, resulting in rapid and irreversible parasite death.

DC23922 Cercosporamide Featured

A broad-spectrum natural antifungal compound that acts as a selective and highly potent fungal Pkc1 kinase inhibitor.

DC22519 Norverapamil hydrochloride Featured

Norverapamil HCl is a calcium channel blocker. It is the main active metabolite of verapamil.

DC22345 Penthiopyrad Featured

A carboxamide fungicide used to control a broad spectrum of diseases on large variety of corps.

DC22489 Acebutolol hydrochloride Featured

Acebutolol HCl is a cardioselective beta-adrenergic antagonist with little effect on the bronchial receptors. The drug has stabilizing and quinidine-like effects on cardiac rhythm as well as weak inherent sympathomimetic action.

DC11648 2-D08 Featured

A cell permeable, mechanistically unique inhibitor of protein sumoylation.

DC20340 Chromeceptin Featured

A cell-permeable benzochromene that selectively impairs the viability and growth of IGF2-overexpressing hepatocellular carcinoma cells, binds to MFP-2, stimulates the expression of IGFBP-1 and SOCS-3 through activation of STAT6.

DC23206 Bax inhibitor peptide V5 Featured

A cell-permeable synthetic peptide inhibitor of Bax conformational change and mitochondrial translocation.

DC22378 DPH Featured

A cell-permeable, small-molecule c-Abl kinase activator with pEC50 of 6.1(EC50=794 nM).

DC24193 BAPTA Featured

BAPTA is a selective chelator for calcium. BAPTA, as calcium indicator, has high selectivity against magnesium and calcium. BAPTA is widely used as an intracellular buffer for investigating the effects of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores or influx via Ca2+-permeable channels in the plasma membrane. BAPTA can also inhibit phospholipase C activity independently of their role as Ca2+ chelators.

DC22344 Novaluron Featured

A chemical with pesticide properties, belonging to the class of insecticides called insect growth regulators..

DC24086 Azimilide Featured

Azimilide(NE-10064) is a class III antiarrhythmic compound, inhibits I(Ks) and I(Kr) in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes and I(Ks) (minK) channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes.

DC6912 Ethofibrate Featured

A combination of clofibrate and niacin, used to treat hyperlipidaemias

DC22904 VPC 23019 Featured

A competitive S1P receptor antagonist with pKi of 7.86 and 5.93 for S1P1 and S1P3, respectively, in radioligand binding assay.

DC22948 RU-TRAAK-2 Featured

RU-TRAAK-2 is a completely reversible TRAAK inhibitor, shows no activity for non-K2P channels (Kv1.2, Slo1 and GIRK2).

DC23260 NPD4456 Featured

A coumarin-based HIV-1 viral protein R (Vpr) inhibitor, inhibits Vpr-dependent viral infection of human macrophages..

DC22569 BTTAA Featured

BTTAA is a Cu(I)-stabilizing ligand, whch performs potently with ubiquitin Glu18AzF.

DC8540 DM-1(Mertansine) Featured

A cytotoxic agent used in antibody-drug conjugates

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